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Vitamins and Minerals - Help!


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I have been using Avimin vitamin and mineral supplements for the past 5 years for our CAG. However, because of availability and pricing changes I`m looking for a different supplier.

Does anyone have any recommendations on other suppliers in my area (Long Island, NY, USA), or over the internet?

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harmful bacterial growth in the water. You would be better making sure the bird ha a balanced diet by using a quality seedmix (I belive volkmanns is a good one in America) sprouted seed, and fresh fruit and veg daily, as well as cooked pasta, sweet potatoes etc.I would be happy to supply you with links to websites containiing good natural dietry advice. I have to say that I do not give any of my 70 plus birds a supplement unless they are sick and lost their appetite, or are hens in breeding season when I give a calcium/vitamin D supplement in the food to ensure that nobody gets eggbound.My birds live long, active and healthy lives.Heck I even have a 9 year old turkey!

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