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Gabrial Foundation in Colorado


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"You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed" -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince


Okay, this seems to be my night for new posts.


I don't know how many of you have heard of The Gabriel Foundation, but they are a parrot rescue in Colorado. They were previously located near Vail, but about 1-1/2 years ago they moved to (I think) Elisabeth, near Parker. Their offices are in Denver. I went out a couple of times to visit their facility, and was not only blown away by how much they care about their birds, but also by how many parrots have been abandoned by their owners. They also rescue birds, among other situations, from "hoarders" which seems to happen much too often. The birds' happiness and health are #1, and they are very strict in their adoption procedures. Their facilities are spotlessly clean, excellent food, and all birds have nighttime cages and spend daytimes outdoors, many in enormous flight cages. They also offer some very intensive bird ownership classes through the Internet, and have a wonderful shop called the Bird Brain whose proceeds go solely to the birds' upkeep. Many other states also send needy parrots to TGF.


The first time I visited their facility I came home and immediately made a donation and offered to volunteer. This year I doubled my donation figure.


If you EVER plan a trip to Colorado, a visit to The Gabriel Foundation is a must. Their web site is:




If you're feeling especially generous this holiday season, consider foregoing some gifts for yourself and donate to them. They do unbelievable amounts of good for innocent parrots that have been wronged by our species.


I have this desire to undo some of the wrong we as humans have done to animals in our quest for pets and love of animals, and as far as I'm concerned this place is above reproach.


Please take a look at their web site!

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Thank you Deb


I heard of them as well and heard great things about them. I will also pledge some extra funds to them. I do that with the birs sociaty here in florida. We just adopted 2 birds and we are waiting for the other 2. Two blue front amazons coming this week coming up. I cant wait for them to come home.

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