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Hello I have an african grey and she is 10 years old,she is pluking out of her feathers and i dont know what to do.:( and she will only go up onto my fathers arms and everytime i try to get her up on my arm she bite how can i get her to like everyone? please help i love mango dearly:(:unsure:

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Hello and welcome to the family, Mgoertzen5, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Mango.


You say she is 10 years old, have you had her all this time or recently aquired her, I ask because it could have a bearing on why she is doing this.


Have you changed anything around in the household lately or made some other changes that she is reacting to?


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and if you have specific questions just ask and we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have a picture of Mango you would like to share with us we would love to see her.

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Hello, mgoertzen5, Welcome. I'm glad you found us and the Welcome room :)


You say Mango has been with you two months and just started to pluck. I wonder if maybe she isn't getting as much attention now as she did when she first arrived and is plucking out of boredom? Especially since she only allows your father to handle her. Or maybe, if she hasn't had any different toys since she arrived, some new and interesting toys will occupy her beak so she doesn't use it on her feathers? I know my bird loves to shred things. Does she have toys she can shred? Then there's the bath question. Does she get a shower a couple of times a week? That's very important to keep her from itching. Just a few thoughts.

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mgoertzen5 welcome here :) I hope Mango will stop plucking soon as he feels settled, if not, this forum's members are the ones to turn to for good reliable advise ;)

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Welcome mgoertzen5 !!!


It seems others have given you some items to look into as possible causes of the plucking.


Since Mango is new to your home, it could be nervousness also. Boredom from not having toys that are interesting to them and that also allow them to chew on such as wooden pieces, leather strips etc.


We'll look forward to hearing an update from you on Mango's progress. :-)

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Good luck witht the new grey and welcome to the family.


As for the plucking it can be a couple of things. He is nervous and he is using his feathers to pluck because he is nervous.


Any changes in the home can trigger it also. Holiday decorations or a tree.



He is board with him being in a new home he might be out of his normal routine.


He is taking out his fustration on himself because he is in a new home setting.


As you can see there are many reasons for this behavoir. Greys are the second most species for pluckers just behind the cockatoos. If he is 10 he was set in his ways and now it is all differant for him so he is nervous if you ask me. I hope he stops for you. Try holding him as much as possiable or give him alot of toys to keep him occupied and not board so he will not consentrate on plucking himself.

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Okay, well you came to the right place! It will be ok now. The stress of a change can make them do that, its nothing you did to her. (There are several of us on here with female pluckers....my Buddi is one of them, DebT is another, there are others too. YOu are not alone, and can ask us anything. Dave007 is great for advice on this also! )


Maybe her previous owner was a man? Well it's not unusual for them to choose a gender they prefer-- but you can work it out, just be patient with her. You may need to be the one to feed her and give her treats, and clean her cage; and always talk to her anyway even if she rejects you.. they can change their minds often. Buddi my female is very bonded to me, altho' she realllllly likes men, she has tried to flirt and attach herself to any man who comes in here, even the moving men!! She is badly in need of a mate so I do my best. LOL


I have to go gagga over her and tell her how much I love her daily. Also, once they start plucking the new pin feathers coming in may itch badly all at once, perpetuating the plucking. If you can, please buy Red Palm Oil at once it is sold at health food stores and Whole foods types of stores. It is a food they eat in their natural environment and makes their skin moist and not itchy. (You can order it over the Internet too.)


That and misting or showers has made a difference lately with Buddi but it will be a continual thing once they start. Just have faith and love her! If you persevere you will win her heart! Hang in there, (and ps, a vet visit won't hurt) joanne<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/17 00:47

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