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Sign of talking stage or....


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Petra is now 9 months old, my first Grey.


We have been anxiously hoping she will beging to speak. Since we got here at 3 months old, she quickly learned to copy all kinds of whistles. She has been meowing just like the cat for two months. She make all kinds of funny noises and I just wonder if this is a preface to here talking.

She gets plenty of TV time when were not in the room and I hope this helps also.


Also, originally we had her in the iving room and 3 months ago we moved her downstair in a family room, couch, tv, video games. Either me or the kids are always down there most of the time. So I think that is a good setting.

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I'm sure she's well on her way to talking. The more talking you do with her, the more she will at the very least hear. Now she may not mimic every word that you say, and there's no guarantee that she will ever talk, but just keep with what you're doing. Most greys that I've met as babies don't start really vocalizing until around a year old. Heck my 3 year old CAG can only say about 5 words and I talk to her all the time!

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My Josey did not really talk until she was around 1 year old so you have plenty of time yet for her to start talking. She did the whistles and mimicing of other sounds she heard in the household. Just like Lovie said just keep talking around her and soon she will pick up and repeat some of what she hears.:P

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Hello Darin,

You are doing just fine. A grey will start to talk at about a year old. The noises she is making is a mocking type thing right now. She has to train them vocal cords to start to talk. Before you know it she will be talking up a storm. The t.v. room was a good choice she needs contact with you and your family. If this is the room you guys hang out in this is a good room for her to learn. The more contact with you and the family the faster she will start to talk. After a while you are going to ask " How do you shut up a Grey" HAHAHA!!!!!! She is right on track with her talking. The noises are cool though. Well good luck with her and enjoy every minute with her she will make you laugh thats for sure.

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SweetHeart is 7 months old and she doesn't even barely do any sounds. Once in awhile she will but not too much yet. When she does it I try to make a big deal out of it and tell her to tell me more lol. I'm sure it won't be too long though. I tell her the same things over and over, surely one day she will catch on or finally tell me to change MY story lol.

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I remember exactly where you are at. Last Christmas I must have said Merry Christmas so many times that I drove myself mad, never mind the poor bird. Liath said Hello fairly early on, and not another word till the day she turned 13 months, now she seems to learn a new phrase every couple of days. She is only 18 months now.


Oisin seems to be learning quicker, but he is learning from Liath not from us I would imagine.


Don't worry, it will happen most likely, and if it doesnt, you can at least have fun with the sound effects!


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When you all say "not talking" do you mean not even an utterance? Rigel is about 5 months old now and he says "Pretty bird", "Ut-OH!", and "Hello". It's not very clear. It's still baby talk, but every now and then a fairly clear word is mixed in. Clear enough that you know exactly what's being said.


What Rigel's not doing just yet is hearing new words and instantly repeating them. The few words he does speak are those that I've repeated over and over. I hear him practice quietly all the time. His most vocal times are either right after a shower when he's soaked and when he's sitting on the shower perch and I'm running my electric shaver. I think he believes I can't hear him practice when the shaver is making noise.

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Like I said earlier that greys are very smart yes and have a great talking ability but that takes time. At a year old they start to become more mature and they begin to make more sence of there words. We all must remember that not all greys are very good talkers. You need to have parience and spend countless amount of time to train them to talk as well as there species stereotype. There are many greys that dont talk but love to mock sounds instead. They will make the desision whether to talk or to mock. You need to except this if you are a grey owner. I see alot of people get very discouraged when there grey wont talk. If you buy them for this reason you bought them for the WRONG reason. You need to love them wether they talk,mock,or just do none of them. I am not saying that anyone here dont love there bird but you need to know that NOT ALL GREYS are very good talkers and you need to except that.

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