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Hi All, I'm New to the Forum . . .


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Hi All!


Thanks to BirdMom, I've just joined this forum. I live in Colorado and have two greys, a female CAG named Fawkes who is 2-1/2 that I bought as a baby, and a Timneh (4 years, male) Cinders that was a pre-owned bird. I'm a freelance graphic designer near Denver, and did the web site for the African Grey Bird Shop (http:// http://www.africangreybirdshop.com) a couple of years ago as a trade out for birdie toys. That's where I bought my greys. I added a forum to their web site, hoping it would eventually be like this one, but their's hasn't quite taken off.


My CAG Fawkes started biting the ends off her feathers about this time last year, so I'll be perusing this forum for answers. I've tried everything I could think of or read about to make her stop, still haven't found an answer but get new clues and insights every day.


It's wonderful to have a group of people like this that truly love their greys and are willing to help others. I've belonged to a different forum (web site development) for several years, and their help has been invaluable. So, I'm looking forward to getting started with grey forums!


PS: However you obtain good karma, please send me some, I've been having a tough time for several weeks and am desperate for something good to happen!<br><br>Post edited by: DebT, at: 2007/12/12 01:13

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Welcome, DebT, and here's some Karma for ya! I know you will enjoy this site as much as I have. There is so much information here and if there isn't already a thread on your question, just ask and someone is sure to have the answer.


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Hello and welcome to the family, DebT, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Fawkes and Cinders.


Sorry to hear about the plucking problems of Fawkes but this happens sometimes and I hope we can help you find out why and maybe find a way to stop him from doing it.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information, and some of it is about plucking problems. We will do our best to get an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Fawkes and Cinders that you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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Welcome to the FAMILY!!!!!!

WE here love pics and new people. Looking foward to hearing about you and your birdies. Ask as many questions as you like there are many people here that can answer them for you

Again welcome to the FAMILY!!!!!

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Hey from Alaska DebT: I just dropped a suggestion to birdmom which may help some. It wasn't until a year after having my second bird in the house did my 13 yr. old Mazy got jealous. I have had to be very conscience to pay equal attention to both birds. One on one and together.

Good luck and glad you found us.

Bruce & Mazy

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all, I'm also new to the forum, I thought I introduced myself in my profile, I didn't realize I needed to do it here as well until someone asked me too. Let me start off by thanking the adminstrators of this website, I appreciate it and am truly looking forward to getting to know all of you and getting to know my bird as well. I'm Des by the way & a proud parent of a baby African grey named Gizmo.

I've had birds in the past but never anything this big. Mainly finches and parakeets. I grew up on a working farm with pigs, horses, cows, chickens, rabbits, raccoons, deer- you name it there’s a chance that either me or one of my brothers or sisters had it at one time. We even had a skunk name Molly for about two years. I look forward to someday giving that experience to my seven year old son but being in the army; we’re not able to right now. In stead we will have to get by with our dogs, cat, turtles and new bird. I have several family members who share their home with birds including Greys, it was based on their suggestion that I decided to bring Gizmo into our home. Forgive me but I feel I need to address the fact that...I...without knowing better...bought a baby. I ask you forgive me now! I did what I thought was responsible research before we decided on an African Grey but didn’t know not to buy a baby. I contacted the better business bureau and Google searched the breeder’s name- no complaints or warnings posted there. I apologize that I didn’t know enough when he told me that the normal time to adopt an African Grey is three weeks; Gizmo was almost four weeks already so I brought her home. Since then, I’ve found that many consider buying a baby that young irresponsible. I apologize; I didn’t know- I’ve loved her since the first time I laid eyes on her though so I couldn’t return her even if I wanted too. Can you imagine my surprise when I Google searched- hand feeding baby Greys and saw all the buy beware notifications that are then posted? I think it scared me for a week. Please be reassured that I’m caring for her the best I can; she's well and I think she’ll actually be fine. I’ve done so much research since I’ve gotten her that it should be added to my Masters degree! Not that I know everything but I am off to a good, yet expensive start; I have two brooders- one for home and one for work and a caring cage with a heating pad that I plug into my car for the ten mile journey to my office and home each day (I live in Orlando Florida). I monitor the brooder temperature, weight, food temperature, amounts, behavior, sleep patterns, I have a web cam in her cage at home and baby monitors everywhere. She is on what I think is a good schedule, eats four times a day, has plenty of toys (doesn’t notice them yet) She has already seen a vet- twice & my sister is also a vet- equestrian though. Please don’t get me wrong, Please rest assured my baby is in good hands, Know that I appreciate the warnings I have received concerning my little one. I just want to get the point across that once you fall for a bird - it seems to be a little too late to take corrective actions. I'm putting this out there with the hope that maybe everyone could forgive and accept me and maybe instead of the warnings that are a little too late about purchasing unweaned babies- we could get the message to the right people and get it banned in the United States. It wouldn’t be so lucrative if breeders could be fined for it. As for me, I do feel bad; I’m actually a really responsible person. I promise- I’ll do everything short of giving Gizmo away to do the right thing for her. I've even considered boarding her until she’s bigger but my vet said we’re doing as well as they would. I think I own more then everything they have to care anyway. I hope this forum can see my heart and help me to be another bird advocate in this world. I want to learn everything that’s out there concerning Greys. They’ve touched my heart. I’ve already started convincing my other half that our sun room needs to be converted into a bird sanctuary so please for the sack of a potential bunch help me out! Don't worry, I give it at least a year before I call any contractors! Hope I've convinced the forum to open your hearts and share your secrets! Please know I already appreciate your time and effort in this behalf and look forward to getting to know everyone. Take care & God Bless Des

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Hi Des, welcome to the Forum. I've been out of touch for a few days, out of town and such. Boy, I'm shocked that anyone would sell a bird that young! I'm sure the pros here will have lots of good advice for you. Best of luck, I'm looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Well, hello to Des & Deb, both!

Deb, I'm sorry you're having a tough time lately. I tried to send you some karma, but I already gave someone else some, so I have to wait 6 hours!

Des, I would be very suprised if anyone on this forum were to give you a hard time about getting a baby that was really too young. From your post, it sounds like you're doing your absolute best, and that's all we expect from each other here! You will find this group to be very patient, knowledgeable, and friendly!


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Thank you both for your replies. I have had requests to take him back to the breeder and even one to get my money back. I unknowling supported what I now know is a hugh problem and I don't want to add to it but I already love the Grey! I appreciate your welcoming me to the group- what is Karma?

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Welcome Des!!


You have performed a warp-speed learning curve and I congratulate you on your due diligence in giving this wonderful Grey Chick the environment, love and attention he needs.


Your absolutely right regarding the love and bond that exists almost immediately, thus being to late to just say "Oops mistake, give him back". You are too responsible to do that and he is probably receiving better care than he would have at the breeders or another person he would have sold this Grey to that would not have done the research you have and thus probably would have lost this young Chick.


It's great to hear what you have done and already have in mind for his future "Sun Room"....good luck on convincing your Husband. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing Photo's!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/11 16:47

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Thank you for your support. My husband doesn't know what he did when we allowed us to purchase this baby! He made a comment shortly after Christmas that the baby was getting more attention than he...I've let him hold Gizmo more since (babies are supposed to be in their brooders)... I'm beginning to feel neglected as well but we love our baby! Thanks again for all the support I've found here. Its really appreciated.

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Hello Deb and welcome to the family :) I also have a grey that started chewing and plucking her feathers a year ago December, I could not figure it out she was getting attention all day long and her toys have been changed weekly.Tried avian aloe spray worked for awhile then she started up again. I went to my avian vet and he gave her some medication to take for a month. She has been on it for a week now and I notice a difference in her already, no feathers or down in her cage or water. The medication that she was given is as follows...Meloxicam 1.5 mg/ml oral suspension, give 0.08 ml orally once a day for 30 days. Hope this helps you out.


Benny :)

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Whoa, Benny, what is the medication for? When I was at the bird shop this week, the owner (and I) sort of concurred that my bird's problems are emotional (we'd discussed allergies, dry skin, etc.) My grey has always pulled too much down out. Even though some of her chest feathers are growing back in, there is still a lot of down in the bottom of her cage in the morning. Thinking its an emotional issue and I've tried everything under the sun, I thought I'd just have to live with a messed up bird for the next ?? years.

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