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Baby grey biting


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I'm new here and also a new Grey Congo owner. I got my litle Bamboo a month ago. I hand fed him and he's eating pellets now. He took his first flight two days ago. He comes to me when I call him. But when he gets to me, he bites (Not hard) and nibbles on my hand. I don't know if he's going to start biting harder as he gets older. Does anyone have any suggestions on getting him to stop? Or is this normal? Thanks

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I have read you should not allow baby Grey's to nibble on your hands or fingers, but I ignored this advice. I hand-fed my baby and because of this I think she saw my fingers as a substitute for the syringe (sorta like pacifiers) so she began nibbling on my fingers.


Mini Me has never bitten me in anger. She has, however, bitten out of territoriality towards her cage a few times. At these times, I have looked her straight in the eye (with the 'dirty' look) and said No! rather sternly. She definitely got the message.


She's now a year old and she is a compulsive beak cleaner so she generally nibbles my fingers when she wants me to clean her beak. When she's in a more direct mood she will simply grab my fingers with her beak and position my fingers between her upper and lower mandible for a good beak cleaning.

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Hello edmundo,


That is normal Baby behaviour. He could have simply been making sure the perch (your arm or hand) was good and stable with a firm "Test" beaking. They nibble on everything with their Beaks and use their tongue to detect taste , texture etc.


I wouldn't be worried. If he Beaks you a little too hard, just say "No Bite" or something else and maybe gently wobble you hand a little and he will quickly pick up on what is or is not acceptable.

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danmcq wrote:

That is normal Baby behaviour. He could have simply been making sure the perch (your arm or hand) was good and stable with a firm "Test" beaking. They nibble on everything with their Beaks and use their tongue to detect taste , texture etc.


I couldn't have said it better myself, Dan!!!!!


They use their beaks like we would use one of our hands.

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Birds have a great sence of taste. He is following suit of all babies. Here is a thing to think about though. As cute as it is now it may not be so cute as he gets older. Greys are very smart and have great memories so what you let him get away with now you need to make sure you are willing to deal with it when he is older. Ziggy still to this day (hes a year old) still wants to be hand fed he will try to feed off of my hand. I tell him no because he needs to know that that part of his life is over and now its time to act like a 1 year old bird. Remember you will be the one that has to make that desision whether you want to have this later on. A hand fed bird will not bite as hard as a wild or abused bird thats for sure but it can still hurt when they do nip. Food for thought. I hope you make the right desision on what to do. He is young enough to learn from now that NO is NO and be firm and consistant with it.

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