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Body Language


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There has been alot of questions on training you grey and what are signs of aggression to me in pm's and on the im. So here are some of the signs to watch for.


1) Eye Pinning= there pupils are dialated to a fine point. (sign of being disturbed or threatened, and excitment)

2)Crouching low on the perch with wings open and tail feathers fanned open,and beak open.( The bird is very nervious and is ready to strike).

3)Wings raised and beak open=(bird is scared and ready to fly)

4)Swaying back and forth on there perch along with hissing.(the bird is excited or upset)

5) Hissing( bird is upset and is ready to strike if you are in striking distance)

6) Eyes are oval or are in a 1/2 open state( bird is getting sleepy)

7) Puts up on hand at you. ( wants to be picked up)

8) fluffs up his nape and bows. ( looking for a head rub)

9)fluffs up all of there feathers.( looking fro attention but can also strike)

10) Panting( bird is nervious and needs to be calmed down)


There are many others to look for but this gives you a good look at some of the common ones that he/she will use on a day to day basis. Every bird will be differant so what my bird does to get attention or a reaction your bird might not. The items listed are in alot of books that tell you about body language and you should get to know them. Alot of people get nipped because they misunderstand what the bird is trying to say. Please try to get some good reading material or ask your avian vet for some literature and get to know the signs. Birds cant tell us what they want except with there body language. 2 great books to look for are Parrot Training by Bonnie Munro and she has another one called My Parrot My Friend these are 2 great books you should have in you library. Barrons also have great books there guide to books are great also. The books are from Mattie Sue Athan great books also to have.

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thanx ziggyB) that will be helpful,when i pay attention to her head ie stroking around eye area,ears and beak she will turn her head and let me stroke under her neck but then she sometimes bite so i dont know if she likes it or not and how can i help her with grooming


love trish and babygirl

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Greys don't need much help with grooming, just leave them to do that for themselves, even the pin feathers because if some are not ready to be opened up you could get bit.


I know that when they put their head down for a neck scratch and they are looking up with their eyes be careful, a bite may be coming, but if the eyes are looking downward it is usually safe. The eyes tell all.

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She will tell you where not to touch most greys dont like the under part of there body and under the wings. She should allow you to touch her back and under her nape. Just be careful of the areas that she dont like. Ziggy loves for me to touch him all over but some of my others dont like there underside touched at all. All birds have there own do's and dont's she will let you know. Just remember greys are not known to be very cuddily so just watch for the sharp end of the bird HAHAHA!!!!! She might nip at you if she dont want to be touched in a certain place. Let me know how you do with her and how she does with it.

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Josey does not poop on me anymore and Sunny does not do it as often as she used to so I guess my two birds don't like me very much according to Dan!!!!!! Just kidding, I am much more aware of the body language and react to it now.


Thanks for a wonderful list for new grey owners Mario.

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Thanks Dan and Judy,


Being around all types of differant birds over 25 years You get to know what the signs are. You need to be aware of the signs you dont want to get nipped. I will say that there are many people here that are first time bird owners and need to aware of the signs. Just trying to put some good info up so they start to learn the do's and dont's. What I hate to see is that a bird has been under stress and then strikes the owner, and then the owner has to make the desision to either work with the bird or to rehome it. If the info is here for them to read they can understand better.

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Thanks for starting this body language thread. I hope as you suggest, that people will read your list and learn something. It is terrible to think that people rehome a Parrot, rather than spend the time to analyze the behaviour and adjust the reaction or environment to solve it.

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  • 7 months later...

what does it mean when my bird looks at me, bows and flaps his wings gently (wings aren't extended)? he kinds makes his body paralell to the perch, eyes me up and flaps...

also, i've read that when they fluff their entire body, it's a sign of aggression...they're making themselves as big as possible to ward off predators. have you found this to be accurate?

thanks for the info {Feel-good-000200A2}

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one more thing....

George will come down off his cage and strut thru my kitchen. he will get close to the appliances, cabinets and walls and repeatedly bang his beak against all of them. aggression? confusion? i sometimes thinks he can see his reflection, but he generally loves his mirror...

thanks again!

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thank you so much...

i cannot express how thankful and appreciative i am for the people on this forum! everyone is so responsive and eager to help me solve my problems.

hmm...perhaps a grey owner from this forum should run for President ( :

good day Everyone.

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