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Pink Feathers??


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We have 2 red factor Greys here one who is pushing 30 yrs old and then our other was a normal Grey but went through a brief feather picking behavior perhaps due to leaving her 2nd home and joining us. Pookie has red upper leg feather back of neck and a few on her chest. Smokey Joe grew the red feathers around his neck just a few scattered to upper back not certain if those will remain, time will tell.

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I only have one with red factor. That is Chjango. The Greek, Swerve, and Suikerbos are all grey.

Swerve was a rescue, and when she arrived she was bald. She thrived on love, being sprayed everyday with water, and the food that she loves.

Her feathers took a few months to grow out, but she has never reverted to plucking. She has been with us for 4 years and was 3 when she arrived. She is slightly smaller than the other three, but is not a Timneh.

The Greek, also a rescue hates women. He adores my man, but will fly to attack me if I get to close. If he is on Lou's shoulder he is at his happiest. Making gentle soft noises.

Suikerbos is an enigma. One minute she will be as friendly as can be, the next she wants nothing to do with you.

Chjango and Swerve are a pair, but the have never mated. This is despite my man making a large cage with a breeding box attached.

The Greek (so called because he is swarthy, and his feather are darker than the others) and Suikerbos do not like each other. Such a pity. They would make a lovely pair.

All 4 have been sexed so we do know that we have 2 of each.

They all talk. 3 in English and 1 in Afrikaans.  I am very grateful to the people who entrusted us with the care of the 3 rescues.

So any advice on breeding would be greatly appreciated.

Have an awesome day with your feathered friends.


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