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clorinated pool water


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My Mira is a 5 month old Timneh. She was let out of her cage when we got home and 20 min later found her in the pool. She somehow found her way into the pool trap where my husband found her. Actually, my 2 Schnauzers found her, barking, waiting for 'dinner' I think. She must have gotten out thru the doggie door. She must have watched how my 2 Schnauzers go thru it and thought she can too. I cannot believe she ended up in the pool. We have a gate around the doggie door too with a cover on top of it so they can not get into where the birds are kept. Mira was all wet. I took Mira into the shower and gave her a shower with warm water, hair dryed her a bit and talked to her. Eventually, I put her to bed in her bird hut I made. She loves it. Put her cage in the bedroom and covered her over for the night. She seems fine now and think I did the right thing with the clorinated water but any suggestions if there is something that I should have done, do now?

Sandy in Orlando, FL

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Well, it sounds like you handled everything ok but I would make good and sure that it could never happen again. I have had a number of people tell me about having a parrot die in the pool...one guy lost 2 bonded macaws and he thinks the one fell in and the other went in to help the other and they both were found at the bottom. Parrots are not like ducks and will sink like rocks as soon as the feathers become saturated. My grey got spooked one time when I was sitting on my back porch and landed in the pool...as soon as I saw that he was going to end up in the pool I jumped in and hit the water before he did...shoes and all. Your also very lucky that she wasn't hurt in the trap...although that is probably what saved her. My advise is treat your home like there is a small child in it because the same things a child would get into a grey will too.

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Hi dolligirl06 ,


You did the right thing in rinsing all the chlorinated water off. :-)


As I am certain is top on your priority list now, you Gray needs to be in the cage completely secure when your away or out of that room for extended periods of time. I can imagine you've already locked down and ensured everything is safe after almost losing him. I can not imagine the sick and frantic feeling you must have had when you thought he was gone :ohmy:


It's great to hear he is safe and recuperating!!

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Unless you are going to watch her every minute she is out of her cage I would suggest you do something about the doggie door or she will be out of it again. I know they are convienient for your dogs but look what happened this time, next time could be worse.


I am glad you found her and you did the right thing in rinsing her off good.:)

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So glad this story did not have a tragic ending! And yes, agreeing with everyone above that rinsing her off well to get the chlorine out of the feathers was good. Anything you can do to prevent a repeat of her escape through the doggie door is a priority. Smart little stinker ;)


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Well yeah I have a suggestion, just an fyi. She may have sucked down some water making her way to the trap, you never know she could have inhaled some also.


So, if she starts coughing or wheezing, take her into the vet right away. But it could be too late by then, so you may want to get a vet to listen to her lungs now. She could have some water in her lungs. They may recommend putting her on some kind of meds to prevent pneumonia or soemthing. I'm not sure, but htats waht I'd do.


:) joanne

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I second Birdmom's advice. I would at least call the vet. I live in Tampa and my bird has gotten in the pool...much like BMustee...I hit the water, clothes and all to get him so he didn't have any time to swallow any water. We did just as you did, wash down in the shower, but I would probably place a call to the vet at the minimum.

PS...how did you find her in the trap? Was she making noises?

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Waterfowl/aquatic birds and parrots have completely different feather setups. Ducks and Geese have waterproof oil that keeps them afloat where as parrots do not. The oil and powder parrots have will keep them at the top of the water for a moment while they flap their wings trying to fly out of the water, but as soon as the water saturates, the feathers become very heavy and they sink. I'm sure seeing as though you live in FL you have seen the Anhingas sitting on the side of a lake with their wings spread out...they also do not have the oil needed to float. They have to sit in the sun and dry off before they can fly. They have the advantage of being able to swim though...parrots cannot.

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Personally if it were me I would have been on the horn that night with the vet until I had an answer. There are so many horrible chemicals I mean it burns our eyes just to open them under water in a chlorinated pool I can't imagine even the slightest bit being good for any bird or animal if it got in their system!

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so I take it you're not going to see a vet? that's taking a big chance. Wathing her won't help; even if she got water in her lungs, she will look perfectly fine on the outside, do you see what I mean? What'll happen is she could have water in there nd then if she gets a chill or is under some stress, they get sick. Your bird may be sick right now and you don't know. IN a month you'll find her on the bottom of her cage, wheezing. up to you, but I'd spend $200 to be sure.

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Hi Dolliegirl,


How is Mira doing now?


It sounds like you took very quick action in Bird proofing things you never dreamed of. :-)


It is quite a learning experience isn't it? I hope all is well and that you are enjoying the antics and companionship of Mira.


I hope you haven't taken our suggestions and comments as hostile. We are very concerned and protective of anyone's Grey. We are so empathetic to anyone that writes of problems or emergencies that we feel the anxiety and fear of the actual owner B)


Hopefully we did not overwhelm you with information and concern. :-)

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I thank everyone for all the concerns, thoughts and suggestions in my posts.. On this forum I have read and learned alot about the Grey and birds in general. It is the best informative source for me. I still have alot to learn, I'm sure. I want to do the right thing to keep her well.


Mira is doing very well. She sure ia a funny bird.

Since I've had her, a couple weeks now, she sure has been eating alot more. She picks out those little chile's from her food first.


When we have dinner, she sits by us at the table and eats her 'dinner' too. She is one of the family.



Orlando Fl

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Hi Sandy,


It sounds like you, Mira and family are having a good time together. Yes, they love those Chile Peppers, the hotter the better.


One word of caution. When I first purchase a really hot peppered up seed mix for Dayo and he dove into it like a kid face first into cake, he then as always snuggled up next to my face on both sides through out the day while setting on my shoulder.


By the time I got to bed and started drifting off to sleep, I started feeling a slight burning sensation on my face that slowly rose to a fire alarm situation and I got out of bed and washed my face once I put two and two together and realized I had Chile dust all over my face. :ohmy:


Thanks for the update on her. :-)


I would love to see some photos when you get a chance to post some!! :woohoo:

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Okay Sandy, well no harm no foul (no pun intended) LOL. I didn't mean to overwhelm you but it prob'ly sounded that way sorry, :blush: it's just that I would be so sad if something happens to her so soon, you've only just gotten her and she's just a tiny tot! There's too much to learn when you first bring home a grey, stuff that I would never have dreamed of and if I didn't have some really good people to call when I first got Buddi, well

I was lucky and I want you to be lucky, too! The smartest animals are capable of getting into the biggest trouble! :ohmy: Anyway you have lots of good resources here. Good luck to you and I'm crossing my fingers for you. joanne<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/16 23:38

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