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Very upsetting story


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:( I just read a story that was completly devastating. This is a story about Max the Moluccan cockatoo. A business owner wanted his office to look nice so he bought a cockatoo to put in the office. He figured that he would be good for his customers to see. He really wanted to show off his sucsess. So he hooked up with a breeder and bought a 12 week old baby. He put him in his office and people would admiring Max. Well after a short time the business owner got tired of the dust and the mess that Max made in his office. So his decision was to put Max in the basement of the building. Insteed of giving Max away. Well this went on for 3 YEARS down in the basement. Never did he ever come out of the cage again. And to top it all off the office would be closed for the weekend and all the lights were out for the weekend. This poor bird would not only be trapped in his own cage but in total darkness for the weekend. One day a client was walking in the building and heard this ear piercing noise coming from the basement. He went down the stairs to find a bird that had totally plucked himself to the point that there were holes in this poor birds chest. He plucked every feather and after he had no more feathers he startes to pick himself apart. The cage looked like it was never cleaned and there was dried up poop all over the place and all over the bird. He left the building and went straight to the police. The police came there with a A.S.P.C.A. officer. They took the bird to the shelter. The man was arrested for cruelty to an amimal and was sent to prison for 5 years. Max was rescued and now is doing great. After 5 years of dedication the new owner of Max has givin him a reason to live like a normal bird again. She says the scars are still there where he started to nip at his skin. But his feathers are now back ( with the exception of the ones he picked so bad that they will never fill back in). She says he is a great pet and has every intention of having Max for the rest of her life.


When I read this story I did not know whether to cry or just go and see this jerk and punch the ever living shi- out of him. I am very glad that Max is doing well and has a great new life. This is a story that has a great ending but such a horrible begining. This just goes to show you that there are people in this world that have no right of owning a pet. It also shows that there are alot of people out there that really care for animals.


I know we here would want to rip this mans skin of his body. But as we can see this poor bird now has a life with a loving and caring lady that just adores him to death. And with Maxs bad start to his life he always kept his baby ways she said. He would want to cuddle with her and just want to be LOVED. Sad story I just wanted to share this with you.<br><br>Post edited by: ziggy, at: 2007/12/11 08:04

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Idiots, yes and I would be another one who would want to tear him a new one, but glad Max is with someone who can love him and give him what he so desperately needed, a good home, bless his little heart.


Thanks Mario for sharing this story with us, I was so glad it had a happy ending.:kiss:

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Yes I have that book and i read it and I dont know if this is the same story or not but I lookes myself today and I think it is the same story. I heard this from a friend yesterday and he emailed it to me. Sad story but it has a great ending to it. Max seems to be happy with his new home and that is a great thing. I cant stand people that buy these animals and just abuse them. Why?

There is no reason to waste the money for one and to waste the time of the birds life. When they are young this is the time to mold this bird into what he/she will become later. Same as kids if you raise them like animals they will grow into animals. No differant with a dog either. I have a Rotty named Max of all names. He is a loving and caring dog, not the junk yard dog or the stereotype Rotty. It all comes down to how you mold them. Love them and they will love you and others period. Thankful for Max the bird he was saved in the nick of time. He will have a great future and thats what counts.

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In a case like this justice was served. The S.O.B. that did this to this poor bird sat in prison for 5 years and if I were the judge I would have this man in for life. I cant stand to hear things of this nature. I am so GLAD that Max is doing well and now has a human friend that cares for him so much. I tip my hat to this lady for taking this bird in and spending countless hours to work with him. You go Max!!!!!!!!

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