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Cross-Country Road Trip ?


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Hi All,


I have to be on the other side of the country for a work contract (gotta work). I'll likely be there for 4 to 8 weeks.


But, eeek! I cannot live without my bird! Hehehe. (Harriet is 10 months old now.)


So, has anyone had success (or nightmares) of driving on long road trips (like 1,600 miles!).


Or is there an easy way to FLY commercial with a bird?


I'm new to all of this and don't know what to do. If she had to stay behind, she'd still get good love... just not from Me (I give her the most lovin').


What do ya'll think? Thanks!

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I actually flew with my Conure (this was before I had my grey) on U.S. Airways. They charged me extra for him, but I was allowed to bring him into the cabin and put him under the seat in front of me in his travel carrier. My understanding is other airlines permit this as well. The only bump in the process was I had to take him out of the carrier during TSA screening and he was a bit freaked out and bit the petudies out of my finger. So, on the return flight I put the aviator harness on him so when we went through security screening again, I was able to control him much better when he was out of the cage.


Other then that, he slept as soon as the plane was in the air.


Good Luck!


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Hello romaneagle,

You can do both. There are pros and cons for both just like anything else. To drive: you need a travel cage or travel crate for him. You are going to make stops along the way for restroom,eating,gas,sleeping ect so it not like he will be in the crate the whole trip. He might get a little nippy at you because he is out of his normal enviroment. Fiying: Just about all airlines will allow you to travel with your pet(for an extra charge of course). The trip is a little easier for you and the bird because it is over before you know it. So as you see this is a personal prefrence but both methods will work out fine for you and the bird. Good luck what ever way you go with.

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Would you be staying in a Hotel for the 4 - 8 weeks?


The trip would be great for your Grey, but if your staying in a Hotel or Motel where room cleaners MAY bother him, I would leave him at home with the people and cage he is familiar with.


I would assume he would be left in the room all day while your working and alone in a strange place.


You may want to weigh the pro's and con's out and make the best decision for you and your Grey :-)

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Great responses! Thank you!!!


Yes, too bad Harriet can't just fly herself to the destination! Hehehe.


I'm glad to hear that flying and driving are okay. Flying sure sounds the easiest, but I don't think the TSA Screening process would go to well. My baby girl might prefer driving. I definitely have some things to think about!!!


Also, I won't be staying in a hotel there. Except for a few planning meetings, I get to stay in a corporate-provided house (no maids). So, I'll actually get to be around my Grey tons. That's the bright side of this far, far work project.


Again, thanks for all your insights!

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Well Chris would you be able to bring a cage along for her to stay in while you are working? I know you probably have a travel cage but that is not big enough for a lengthly stay of from 4 to 8 weeks.


I think you can fly or drive with her but you can take along more stuff for her if you drive. But whatever decision you make let us know what you end up doing and be sure to let us know how it goes for her.:P

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have done both drove and flown both my African grey Mozart and Severe Macaw Rainbow(.Being that your baby is so young,you shouldn't have too much of a problem driving. I used pet carriers modified with a size apporpriate wooden perch. Mozart loves to travel and must be able to look out the window, he doesn't eat much during the journey. I offer fruits and veggies and whatever I am eating when we do a rest stop. My Rain is the total opposite!:kiss: She must be kept covered and will eat anything I offer her. If you are planning a hotel or motel stay, go on line to find pet friendly places. There are quite a few that do. If flying, you will have to get a health cetificate from your vet. I put stickers on their carriers informing that yes they do bite and to keep fingers out of reach. This usually doesn't stop the curious and I have had to block a few nips. :blink: Call the airline or check their website for their requirements for in cabin or underneath storage(no they aren't put with the luggage;) Hope this helps

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  • 2 months later...



My Grey travelled cross-country with me in my car. She wasn't one bit scared!!! Hurray! In fact, she loved it. She perched up in the front corner (the area that I left uncovered) so she can stare at me (and talk quite frequently to me) the whole way.


We stopped at some hotels along the way with no incidents. She got extra chatty Cathy in the hotel rooms, but I gave her some TLC and put her to bed (to keep noise minimal).


On the last travel day, however, she started picking at the seat belt (her cage was seat belted in for her safety). I told her to stop it, but she was a little defiant... so I pulled down the cover on the side I had left uncovered. Well, the little stinker had gone to the other side of the cage and started picking apart the passenger car seat!!! No wonder she became so quiet after I scolded her!


Well, anyway... She's happy as a clam now because I get to work (a lot) from my home away from home here. I bought her a big cage so she can have room. And now she gets to stare at me working at all hours and occasionally prompt me to take a chatter box break. Hahaha.

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