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The Me and Maui thread


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Hey all, the results are in and we found out that we were right. Maui is a boy. Just got the DNA results back today. Good thing, I keep calling him Birdie Boy. Also, we finally got our cage in too. We were using a loaner from the breeder. We got a 34" x 26" with a playtop. He was a little scared in there the first day, but, he was playing fine in there today. More pics coming soon. I got a harness to try on him too. That should be fun, LOL.

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Also, we are test driving a little Picific Parrotlet. He is 2 years old and is a rehome. he doesn't know how to step up and is pretty flighty. We are going to work with him and see if we can settle him down a little. His name is Tiny. Maui is still #1 though. The little guy is for the kids. My daughters love him. Tiny_and_Dad.JPG


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