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The Me and Maui thread


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Hey all, we made another trip out to the breeder today for another visit with our new baby cag, Maui. we still don't know if it is a boy or girl, but, will find out in another week or so. The visit today went great. Maui is perching well now and likes to sit up on the playtop and flap his wings for exercise. I can tell when I hold him that his legs ar getting stronger and his balance is improving. He did not seam scared at all around my wife or me. We both cuddled him and fed him treats. I even got him to do step up a few times and he did it pretty good. He is eating and drinking well and has a great disposition so far. We still don't have our cage yet as it hasn't come in. Hopefully, it will be here in time for when we bring Maui home. If not, the breeder told us that she would loan us a cage until it arrived. We have had a very positive experience with her. The kids got to hold several Quakers and Senigals and loved it. We lan to go back out and visit at least one more time before we bring Maui home. We are all still very excited about it. I'll try to post a couple pics here, but, haven't had good luck with that lately. Jody_Holding_Maui2_small.jpg


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A beautiful little bundle of joy you have. Good luck with him/her. You will have a great time with him for the rest of your life. Just look at those baby charcole eyes just makes your heart melt. Maui look like a great bird and has a good personality to go along with his/her looks.

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Hey all, we took another trip up to the breeder's to visit Maui yesterday. He is still growing and changing all the time. His balance is really getting better and he was stepping up very well. I had my wife, myself and the girls sit in a circle and we let Maui run around between all of us on the floor. He doesn't seam afraid of the kids at all and they were very good with him too. I say him, but, we still don't know for sure. DNA test in the next week or so. The breeder is almost sure it's a boy, but, we will see. He fell asleep on my wife while she was rocking him. We spent a couple hours with him before it was time to go home. Just a couple more weeks and he will be ready to come home with us. We are all still very excited. We got a tip from the breeder that the pet supply place that she uses is having a big 10% off everything tomorrow, so, we are going to load up and go down there and try to pick up all of our supplies tomorrow. I have quite a growing list. The cage we ordered still isn't in yet, but, hopefully we can pay for it and get the discount too. Here are a couple of new pics from yesterday. He really liked to climb up and sit on my shoulder. Maui_1_small.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all, we finally got to bring Maui home yesterday. We are so happy to have him home. First day went great and he didn't seam too scared of anything including the dog or the 2 cats. He ate well and got a good night's sleep. Today he is chirping away and having a great time. New pictures coming later today. I bought a new web cam too which has one click uploading to youtube, so, videos coming too. Thanks for all the kind words and get ready, I will probably start having questions soon, JP

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Hey all, It's been a week now since we brought Maui home. He is adjusting great. He has been so loveable and fun. He's been eating like a little pig. Apples, mixed veggies, nuts, everything. I've been trying to manage the time out of the cage and not over due it. I don't want him to be too spoiled. My wife and kids are away for a few days and Maui and I are doing fine on our own. He really likes his snuggle time. I just want to thank everyone on the forum for being so helpful. I have read so much on this site to prepare for Maui coming home and I think it has paid off big time. Maui is stepping up like a champ and he will let me touch him anywhere, even under his wings. I've only got a couple of nips so far, usually if he is over excited. I will get some new video and pics when my wife gets home. Thanks again everyone and I'll talk to you soon.

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Jody I am so glad it is going well for you and Maui and happy to hear we have been at least a little helpful to you. We really do have wonderful members here on this forum and any one of them will chime in with their suggestions and ideas.:P


Thanks for updating us on how it is going for you and Maui and we look forward to seeing some new pictures and maybe some video of Maui.:)

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