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Strange Behavior


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Tonight when I came home 2:10am (I know it's late) but, I pass right beside Cosmo's cage going to bed (not unusual). I usually wake him up, so I normally just tell him I'm sorry for waking him rub his head and beak tell him I love him and good night. Well tonight when I got back I came through a different door and did the usual I walked up and he was already awake. I put my finger in scratched his head and told him the usual good night. I started to leave and he fell. I waited to make sure he was okay. Then he did it again, this time it looked like he was trying to fly. He climbed back up and did it again. I was really worried I opened his door and he jumped out and tried to fly he landed okay, and I picked him up. He was kind of shaking so I held him close and talked to him. I did this for about 30 min. then I tried to put him up. He wouldn't step off my finger for anything. I held him a little longer then I put him back this time I finally got him to step down. It is 3:52 now, and I just got in my room. I have been waiting beside him for an hour to make sure he goes on to sleep. He finally started closing his eyes, so I'm guessing he is fine? Do you think that I scared him, and he was just startled?

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Hi Jimmy,


It is possible Cosmo was spooked by the entrance from a different door. It would be hard to say that with absolute certainty though.


There is no doubt He wanted to be with you and stay with you for a while though. :-)


I don't remember how old Cosmo is. Is he perhaps trying to fledge? I know his wings were clipped and it seems strange that he would knowingly just jump and fall as you have described. That alone would seem to indicate fright, more than just wanting to be with you.


It's good to hear you took the time to assure him that all was well. Then, letting him feel safe and loved, before putting him back. Then sitting with him until he was drifting off to sleep.

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On Friday during the day when my husband was home, Klaus fell off his perch and my husband was concerned that he really rang his bell! He took him out, held him and comforted him for about an hour, then he needed to start getting ready for work. So, he put some treats in Klaus' dish to entice him in there and Klaus went in (happily, to eat the treats). Friday night when I got home, Klaus seemed a little more "hyper" than usual but I didn't think too much of it. It's now Sunday and Klaus has been fine ever since. Learning to whistle the Andy Griffith song (getting a little better at it, the more he practices:) ) and exploring his new swing, which has been around for weeks and he's just now acknowledging that it exists. Sometimes I think they're like toddlers - they like a lot of fuss when they get a boo-boo!

Great job taking such good care of him...

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Had similar experience, Mia was shaking & would not get back in her cage for anything. And guess what is was? There was a house spider in her cage! After taking the spider out, I had to take everything else out of her cage. It took about an hour to get her to feel safe to go back in.

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Waking a Grey up and it being dark has been known to create monsters in the dark. Strange shadows on the wall can spook a Grey. They are very much like young children when it comes to monsters in the dark. Usually turning on a light briefly will calm them down. It's also a very good idea to keep a small night light burning somewhere near your Grey's cage. This will eliminate some night-spooks by illuminating the monsters in the dark.

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Guest briansmum

yeah, i read about night time spooks once before. they do get creeped out easily in the dark. it's possible jimmy that cosmo heard a noise from an area in the house (you comeing home) that there isn't usually noise comeing from in the middle of the night.


i find it good to have a night light (which is the hallway light shinning through a crack in the door) for brian. i cover the top part of his cage where he sleeps, but lower down there is a bit with no cover. so he can peep out and see what's going on if he hears a noise. :)

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