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Do you wanna step up?


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A couple of days ago Liath started a new behaviour which really intrigues me. When I went to get her out of her cage I gave her my hand as I usually do. She just looked at it, and backed away slightly and said "Do you wanna step up?". I laughed and said Sorry Liath, do you wanna step up?". And she immediately stepped on to my hand. Later she was on the top of the door in the kitchen watching me work. When I was done I put my hand up for her to take her with me and she did it again. Now she wont step up unless I ask her first:S .


Today 3 days later I decided to test it by just putting my hand into her cage and she said it again and didnt move until I asked her! She is even saying it when I go to take Oisin out of his cage.


Unbelievable??? Is she trying to put manners on me?



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She really has understood this phrase. Last night I was lying on the couch with my knee up. She was standing on the couch beside me. She kept lifting up her little foot and looking at my knee. Then she said :

"Do you want to step up Liath? Yeah!"


Of course I had to pop her on top of my knee.


As for cheap entertainment, maybe I have a very sad life, but I am perfectly content to sit in the room and chat to her for HOURS on end. Of course it is not quite 2 way conversation but neither of us mind that!

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Guest briansmum

what a clever little sweety she is! i especially love the story about her wanting to get on your knee. you're very lucky, i don't get asked, i don't even get a warning, i just get flown at :P

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