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Can regurgitation be clear? Oliver did something last night that I thought might be regurgitating, but then I read that it usually involves undigested food particles. He had just eaten a large, heavy dinner of bean soak and lasagne. I mean a LARGE dinner, since those are two of his favorite things and he kept going til it was all gone. Later, he was on one of his in-cage perches and I was standing beside the cage talking to him through the open door. He sort of heaved, like you might if you were about to throw up, opened his beak wide and bent over and out came a thick stream of clear liquid. It didn't last long, and when he had finished depositing it onto the floor of his cage he went about his business as if nothing had happened. I was excited and honored, thinking it was regurgitation, but now I wonder if maybe he just ate too much and thought I was nuts for thanking him so profusely?:blush:

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Usually Regurgitating & vomiting are two separate things.A bird that is regurgitating will make head bobbing movements & you will see the neck stretch.food is brought up & deposited on to you.Vomitimg is usually a flick of the head movement.From what you describe i don't think he was regurgitating food for you.Keep a close eye on him as vomiting can be a sign of illness but it sounds as if he may have ate to much.

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Yuck! How do they act when they do that? I've seen Oliver open his beak wide like there's something caught in his throat, but he doesn't do it "over" any part of my body -- he's usually perched in his cage and I'm talking to him...

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Guest briansmum

i too have noticed brian "spitting" where by a clear liqid comes out, it's only happened a few times and i have noted that it is after he's eaten a lot of something he enjoys. i read that that produce saliva like us to moisten food for swallowing, and that this is excess and they don't like to swallow it so they spit it out


i've also seen juice come back out when he's been greedy :)


i am confident this is all it is because it happens very occasionally. if it was after every meal or drink i'd be worried.

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