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Cosmo update


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Here are a few new pics, if I only knew he was going to be doing this I would have waited on the topsy contest :P I have also put a video of him hanging out with me while I'm getting ready to take a shower. He is mumbling a lot now, he usually just makes the "kisses" noise as you can see.








<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pf4xijImPY"> </param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pf4xijImPY" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>


Try this if that doesn't work

edited by: jimmycoop2005, at: 2007/12/07 08:13
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Hey Jimmy,

Great video of Cosmo and also the pics. Nice looking grey. I have to ask you said he was to get used to the water. Do you give him any baths yet. He should be getting a bath at least 2 to 3 times a week. Just thought I would throw that out at you.

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I would just continue to allow him to watch you in the shower for a while. If you force him into the water he is going to have a negative assocation with it. You are also still developing your relationship with him. Forcing him under the water could make him resentful of you as well. And if there is one thing I have learned about greys... they sure can hold a grudge! Your baby is young enough that you should be able to train him to take a shower.


We brought Makena into the shower for about a month before actually getting him wet. After he started getting really comfortable with the shower (would fall asleep on the rod) we started putting him on our arm. We would hold part of our arm under the stream without getting him wet and let him explore it. After many times doing this he finally decided he wanted to check out the water. At first he would just drink from it but over time he started to really get into it and completely drench himself. Now all we do is stick him on his shower perch and he runs right over to the stream if he wants a shower. It takes a lot of patience and time. Hope that helps ;)

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I agree with not pushing the issue of putting him into the water just yet. I think just being in the room with you while you shower exposes him to some nice humidity that he probably needs right now. You're in Virginia, right? Probably not as cold as here in Michigan but I think it's possible you're running your heat, which makes for some very dry conditions.

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