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The other day my African grey bit the beak off my little green cheek conure I rushed him to the vet the vet said that there was no internal damage to his mouth or nasal passages and that there is a 70% chance that he will have som regrowth she said it may grow back slightly deformed but he should be able to use it again.then he wouldn't eat he wants to eat by himself so he won't hand feed the morning after this happened I put him on the scale and he had gone from his normal 70gr down to 56 gr well I'm telling you I was crying so hard I could hardly talk to the vet to tell her she said to bring him in for a tube feeding but I couldn't right thenbecause I had a specilist appointment so I told her I would be done around 11:00am and I would bring him in then. So I forsed Sprout to eat about 3cc of hand feeding formula and put babyfood carrots& peas,mushed up zupreen pellets, applesause. and babyfood strawberry&bananas in his cage when I got home I checked his weight again and it was up to 63grm so I called the vet and she said it may take a couple of days for him to learn how to eat with out a top mandable but he should lern and we should just wait and see how he does. yerterday afternoon I saw him drinking water so thats good and last night he took 6cc of hand feeding formula and another 6cc this morning so I think he's on his way he's also on bytril antibiotics and a pain killer for the next 14 days. the worst part about it all is that its my fault that this happened. I have to move Sprouts cage away from the wall at night so I can cover him and I forgot to move it back and because of that Tyco was able to reach him through the bars of his cage and of course Sprout was up in Tycos face those little Conures think they can take on the world. anyway I'm doing my share of crying I've never been so upset or stressed out about anything in my life like Iam for this little green Sprout of mine please pray for him to get well when 2 or more gather in his name miracales happen thanks everyone in advance for listening to me ramble on. Pat

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OMG Pat, I am so sorry this has happened but it was not your fault so don't blame yourself, things happen and hopefully the beak will grow back enough for it to gain use of it again. Poor baby, I would have freaked out too if I was in your place, but I will keep Sprout in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Be sure to keep us updated.

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hi everyone My little green Sprout is doing pretty good he won't eat on his own so Ive been hand feeding him 4 times a day the reason for that is the he only takes about 4or5 cc at a feeding his mornig feeding he takes about 6cc and the his next 2 feedings he takes 4 and at night before bed he take about 10cc his weight is staying stable at 67gr and the Doctor said that thats a good weight for him under these circustances. He certinly isn't acting himself though useually he very fiesty and always wants to play but now he just wants to cuddle he layed on my chest for about 3 hours this afternoon and just let me love on him thats not like my little Sprout at all usually there is no way I can get him to cuddle. I think he's in a lot of pain because he trys to rub his beak with his foot and when he's in his cage hi sits on his perch snuggled up to his happy hut all puffed up like he was sick He's on antibiotics and pain killers but I don't think the pain killer is helping much its so sad to see him like this but I do hope he keeps a little bit of the cuddlely part after he gets better I just love him so much and i feel so bad for him My other birds aren't getting nearly as much attention as they useually get either because I have to make sure Sprout is ok and of corse I feel guilty for not spending enough time with them they are only getting a few minates here and there when I have a few minates that Sprout is in his cage haveing a nap. My vet phoned me this afternoon out of the blue to make sure Sprout was getting enough food and things where going ok I was so shocked how many vets do you know that actually phone you up just to see how youe pet is progressing especeily when Sprout has to go see her in two weeks for a check up I was so shocked I think I mst have the most careing vet in Canada.

thank you all for your prayers and support it really helps to have you there to vent out all these emotions and stress on thanks all. Pat

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Pat you sound like a good parent to your pets dont blame yourself. Things happen even though it hurts inside you need to keep strong. Hopefully he will heal and have use of his beak. Sad to here this but accidents do happen from time to time. Agian sorry to here this. Please keep us informed on his progress.

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I am so sorry to hear about this incident with your poor little Sprout. I hope for a speedy recovery and send my best wishes to Sprout and you. It sounds like you are doing everything you can under the circumstances. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to see the little one in this condition but you should not blame yourself for an accident. Please keep us posted as we all hope for the best recovery possible.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pat, being very new, and your post the first I read,(please allow me to extend my prayers to all) I would like to know how Srouts is doing? You sound like a very good Mom who is busy like us all. Take care and keep posted about Sprouts.


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