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Birds the word


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Hi my sunny a cag is 3 and i counted 25 words she speaks very clearly.And i mean human like speach.The longest phrase is this.WHAT DOES A KITTY CAT SAY.Then she meows.Funny its on utube under parrot sunny talks check it out if ya get the chance.So i was wonder here whats your guys birds age and there vocabulary like only the clear words count no mumbles LOL.

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Good point there Judy thats for sure. At first we cant wait for them to talk and make cool noises and in the end they dont shut up HAHAHA!!!!!


Anyway to answer the question from Icerat4 Ziggy says about 6 words clearly Hello( of course), Ouch, Whats up, he laughs, Hello Ziggy, ( a new one ), and we are teaching him Horray Beer.( from the red stripe com.) The last one is for fun.

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Sunnys seems to say What also .And it seem she say it at the proper time too funny.She is always telling my beagle and best buddie GO LAID DOWN And then teases the dog by saying TREAT TREAT.I knew these grey could talk But i never thought id get this far with her as i was told some talk and some dont.Well sunny is way to funny and i am glad all my time is paying off big time.I spend a lot of time with her and now my daughter lucy is getting involved too.By the way sunny also say LUCY IM HOME.And tells the kids DO YOUR HOMEWORK.sHE IS A BLAST HAVING AROUND.Just thought id share my stories.Thanks for the time.

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Oliver is 21 months old and isn't talking at all. I get "peep peep" from him quite a lot, especially when I leave the room, or in the morning when he's ready to have the cover removed from his cage. On the whole, though, he's silent. A couple of times in the past we have heard him say a two-syllable something, we think "Hello", but we were so taken by suprise no one could say for sure. Then he just stopped talking (at least when anyone was present) and went back to "peep peep" exclusively. So, we know he can, just need to figure out how to make him want to! lived in a pet store til he was 15 months, then went to live in a traumatic environment for the next 4 months, before I brought him to live with me two months ago.


Soooo.. my next big research project after getting care and handling and potty-training down will be to read all I can find on teaching him to talk!

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Cool video! Thanks for sharing...

Klaus is 9 months old. He chatters a lot, but no words yet. He's starting to lose that "R2D2" quality that he had when he was a "baby-baby."

He does a few types of whistle. The wolf whistle when you come into the room, the "c'mere dog" whistle when you leave the room. And, he's starting to whistle the Andy Griffith song a little bit.

Even though he's not talking yet, the sounds he makes are very cool.

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Sounds definitly count.There are just as fun.Sunnys biggie is opening a pop.Who here on the fourm is top bird and how old is the bird.Anyone one this.Does anyones grey here act in the same manner as einstein or alex the grey.Just curious.Thanks:)

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