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Glad to be part the group.

My name is Dona I am 50 yrs old, I live in Texas. I adopted Danni an African Grey about 8 mo. ago. She was was given to me by an ex co-worker who moved away and did not want to bring her along. I wanted an African Grey for some time. I read books about them and could not wait to bring her home. It is just my husband and I at home and we just love her. I am a first time bird owner and have been told that a Grey is not the best bird to began learning about the care of birds, but I feel such a bond with her already how could someone not just fall in love with them. I want to learn everything possible to make her safe and happy in her new home for many, many years. I work a full time job as an aircraft parts manager and I love coming home and just being around Danni she helps me forget all the work problems of the day. Thank ya'll for the information I have already received from the group.:cheer:

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Hi, and welcome! We're glad you're here. I'm having a similar experience in that I've never had a bird before either. My family has had a parakeet so far, and a Quaker. Neither of those birds really wanted anything to do with me, and the feeling was mutual. Not that I hated them, just have never been much into birds. My grey, now (Klaus) was brought home as a pet for my husband and son. Klaus has chosen me as his favorite, and I have been head-over-heels ever since!

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Hello and welcome to the family, Dona, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Danni.


In an ideal situation, a grey is not the best choice for a first bird but that is beside the point now that you already have it and you seem to be doing ok so far. You are smart to want to learn all you can so you can properly care for and deal with a grey, not everyone can handle one.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful and helpful information. And if you have specific questions just ask and we will do our best to get an answer and help you in any way we can.


You say you adopted Danni about 8 months ago, so how old is Danni?


If you have a picture of Danni you would like to share with us we would love to see her.:)

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Welcome to the FAMILY!!!!

I happy to see you got this grey. Danni is a cute name.We here love pictures and please ask all the questions you want. There are great people here to answer them for you. You will not get any better useful advise as you will get here in the grey forum.


Again welcome to the FAMILY!!!!

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Thank you for the warm welcome. Danni is nine yrs. old, we know she is a she because she laid a couple of eggs after we received her. Her pervious owner did not know if she was male or female and had not had her tested. I did take her to the Avian vet for a complete work up after we had her for about a month. She was given a shot to stop the egg laying and has done ok since. I am careful now about petting since I have learned it can cause egg laying. Her previous owner did not hold her or cuddle with her. We do now she get lots of love.:lol:

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Welcome Dona and Danni!!


LOL, yep eggs are a pretty sure sign shes a she ;-)


It's wonderful to hear you have taken her in and are providing her with a great home and plenty of cuddles and scratches. I'll bet she feels the love and happiness, just as you do. :-)

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Another piece of data -- my TAG weighed 375 grams when I "rescued" him 2 months ago. At his vet visit 2 weeks ago he was up to 387 grams, and the vet felt he was at a good weight. He's on the small size for a TAG, about 11 inches tail to beak.


OOPS! This was meant for a different thread. Sorry! Please excuse the post.<br><br>Post edited by: KatB, at: 2007/12/07 20:25

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