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look out! it's the grammar police!


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OK Spooky! Yeah but actually, the boo boos are things like dates and locations, or phone numbers... which spellcheck won't catch. Thats what I was referring to as typos. Each article is spellchecked b4 cut/paste into the format, so it's not really that kind of typo. But thatnks. (typo):ohmy:

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sppoky that is too funny!


oh my gosh here is something from today's paper (they have huge editing problems) it was a lovely tribute to a local gentleman who recently passed away. on and on it went and all was very well-said, really summed him up nicely and then towards the end of the article it said "...he had a rye sense of humor..." AAAUGH!


and to top it off the subject of the article was an educator!


you know folks i really don't look for this stuff it just pops out at me really!

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The fact that anyone posts a reply, is what is most important. I agree with the others, that many of us are extremely busy, and stealing a few minutes here or there to try and help others, is commendable in my opinion.


Whether or not the grammar is "correct" is unimportant here. All members should feel free to post, and not worry about proper spelling, or feeling as though their posts will be critiqued. We are who we are, and should never be judged on our writings. Just my opinion for what ist's worth. :whistle:

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Very well put Talon I agree with you 100% on this

We are a forum of good friends and this is our extended FAMILY on line. We will laugh,argue,debate, and we will show respect to our fellow members. There is no reason at all to critisize the way others grammar is. There are many members from a differant country and they dont know the proper way to spell or even have the right words sometimes. We do not have to make a member feel like they are not worthy of posting because they are afraid of what others will think of them. So when that person has a emergency or a question that may be very important to them, they will not express there thoughts to get a answer from someone that has the answer.

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Okay, enough of this. Yes, we are who we are. Whether we post with less than perfect grammar or spelling because we are pressed for time, or we don't know any different, or English is our second language, or whatever, it doesn't matter. I know engineers with advanced degrees and extremely high IQs who can't write a "proper" sentence. It doesn't matter. Yes, it does annoy some people to read less-than-proper sentences. Big deal. It's nothing new. Those people are used to it because I would estimate 75% of the world today writes in "internet slang". Let's just be the happy family we are and laugh and love and accept each other for who we are -- whether we're the grammar police or the OMG LOL Text-Message Kid. How 'bout it? Love to you all, thanks for being you, and Happy Holidays!!!!

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Good Karma to you Talon! Thanks for the reality check, moderation was needed and you said it gracefully!


I once saw an ad on Craigslist.org for a Husky female wanted in the pets wanted section.


I think it was miscategorized bcuz it was taken down quickly. Get it? husky female....arrrrrrgh.<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/14 09:00

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Yep, jsut post yer post and we'll understand wat you sad. ;-)


Dew U undre stand dis? B)


I do find news paper blunders and newscaster bloopers funny as hell though. What's nice, is the perpetrator finds it funny to laugh at themselves too. :-)


Not sure if the reference to Einstein was the CAG or the physicist. The Human could read and write perfectly. The rumor is he didn't know how to tie his shoes. B)


I just want to make shur I have the Fax strate.....

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I am a bit frightened here if we are referring to Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein was completely literate. He was a professor, college educated...there are numerous writings by him available...He was one of the most highly educated and influential people of his time and probably of all time.


http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein#Works_by_Einstein<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/12/16 03:20

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Mark (dblhelix) provided a good link describing Albert Einstein's life and achievements.


He was one of the most brilliant men to walk this earth and many of us in the engineering and mathematical community still struggle with his works and dream of employing them.


His writings are numerous. Math, is a written language, if you will. thus we can corresponding amongst each other in written mathematical form i.e E=MC^2 or a(3x*y^2)= z/a^2 = ( 2y/d + n) etc.


There are a ton of books on Einstein and his life works if anyone is really interested. I have always found him brilliant, yet funny as hell and unpredictable. :-)


It would have been wonderful to have known him, I would think.

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danmcq wrote:

It would have been wonderful to have known him, I would think.


I agree. I saw a documentary about him some time back and was inspired. I even wrote in my "things to remember" file: "Light is the one true constant, not time" and a few other revelations stemming from it. Expect to see awesome discoveries from me based on that :P

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I will Kat.....You must subscribe to one of my favorite quotes by Albert:


"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."

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