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Tail feathers coming loose.


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Are they clipped too short? My sun conure I used to have got his wings clipped way to short and he broke off all his tail feathers from dropping like a rock. When the wings are clipped correctly your grey should be able to fly accross a bedroom and land kinda like an airplane at a nice angle, not just go 3-4 feet and crash.

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One of my greys, Quinn, has a chronic feather problem resulting from Chlamydia and calcium depletion as a baby. His wing feathers do not grow in properly. His feathers start to grow, then break just above the base of the shaft and then he chews them off. Because he has no working flight feathers, he crash lands and will break his feathers, including his tail feathers. He is almost

5 yrs. old now. He is on calcuim supplement daily, although no bird should have daily calcium with out the vets say so. He eats very well, all sorts of veggies and fruits, Zupreem pellets , chicken and chicken bones. I mist him with aloe vera juce and water every other day (he hates it). Also, his flight feathers were likely cut improperly as a baby and apparently this has had an mpact on his growth. He is a small CAG, quite nervous but has a cute personality. He doesn't talk much even though his cage mate yaks up a storm. He prefers to mimic the conures and does not have the cognitive abilities of Jiggy, my female. He lives a full life even without beautiful feathers. He is to the vets twice a year and she cannot give me any other advice.

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