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Keeping you birds stable


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With the holidays here (already) we as bird lovers need to take a minute and look after the birds. This is a hectic time of the year for us humans. We have family and friends coming over for the holidays and sometimes with all the confushion we forget about our beloved little feathered friends. We do not do this on purpose but we get so tangled up with all the other things. We are out shopping, we are out getting the food for the feast, we are distracted with family coming, getting the house ready for the holidays, getting all the gifts ready and so on. It is natural to have all of this going on and forget about the birds. They are a member of you household and more then that they are a family member. So while you are having a good time dont forget to include them. Please be aware also that many birds are lost this time of year also. Doors are always opened and closed so there are many ways you can loose you feathered friends. Drafts, flying away, caught in doors, trampled by guests ect. This holiday season please take the time to give your bird the time he/she needs to feel loved. We all try but the holidays are confusing enough with out having to worry about the birds saftey. You are the host of the party and you should respect the saftey and well being of the birds. Kids running around the noise factor and the vast number of people is enough to stress the bird out and possibly nip someone. Kids and people love to torment the birds by sticking there fingers in his face and jabbing him so if possiable place the bird in a quiet room with the lights off so he/she can relax. There is enough stress going around so why should they be stressed also. Lets not forget to spoil them either. Buy them a load of toys and treats.

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Nice post Ziggy and good advice along with things to watch for.


As at Thanksgiving, Dayo and Jake will be a part of all the preparation, festivities and family chats. They do get in the way sometimes with their never quenched playfulness and curiosity, but they sure enjoy themselves.


If making them a part of the of the prep and festivities. Then providing a safe environment and setting guest rules is a must, as Ziggy has indicated.


We just added Christmas stockings to out fireplace mantle for Dayo and Jake along with all the others of our Family members of Human, Canines and Birds :-)

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Well they are just like small children and they certainly prefer the paper and boxes to what was actually in them.


Don't you worry Mario, I have got my birds taken care of for Christmas but thanks for the reminder to take extra precautions when guests are in the house.:P

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