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Water Party in Ice Water


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If I put ice water in their water dishes, they both go nuts and try to stand in their dish and play in it. Does anyone else have a bird that likes Ice Water baths?


They slap their feet in the bowl and flap their wings, try to get in the dish but don't fit, it's so funny! They only do it if I use Ice water and the room temp water Brita was empty(I Brita filter all my water). Big mistake; Buddi decided it as time to play in the cold water dish and they LOVE playing in cold ice water-- I forgot all about this dilemma.


So, Monkey see Monkey do. Next thing I know, Charlie was in his dish of ice water too flapping wings so much they hit the bars and I'm afraid he'll get a broken feather. So I decided to give them both a big casserole dish of cold water in the bottom of their cages. It was was Party Time at the water park in Joannes Living Room! It's been a very entertaining hour and I have quite a mess water everywhere and still, no errands run. Charlie was tossing one of those plastic chains around is his casserole dish while standing in about two inches of ice water.


Later when I saw him standing on the top perch shivering, I said, "Was that fun Charlie?" He replied "Woo!"(I'm really not sure if -Woo- means Woo that was fun, or Woo, I'm cold. So I turned on the furnace.)


Buddi managed to throw a ceramic crock off the top of her cage in her excitement, that fell on the floor and broke..(she gets really flocky when she is in the mood to play in her water) so that really killed the mood. Oh well the water party's over! I had to clean their cages again, I haven't trained them to do that yet... now that her cage is spotless, Buddy says, "Mmm hmmm." I'm glad she's happy....


Maybe it was all a plot to get me to clean their cages again, you think? Well it worked. Off I go to the bank and I haven't had lunch. Whew! I feel like a Soccer Mom.


Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/05 00:23<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/05 01:08

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so now I have to ask should I shower Mazy in a hot, warm, or cold shower.I've always used just a tad bit more than warm.???? Oh yes, she does the dish thing but likes to shower and then get blow dried. maybe she has been wanting me to turn the cold on???

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I think as others have already indicated, tepid to cold water seems to be the preference in Greys and I know it is for my Conure.


As soon as I get back Home, the floating Iceburg game is on!! :woohoo: It sounds like a good time for the Grey and the Owner.

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Many greys prefer cold water baths and misting. When I say cold, I mean cold, the brrrr type of cold. It would be better for you to use room temperature water for drinking. That lessens the bird's desire to jump in. Also, it would be best to take a bird's water bowl out of the cage after bathing. They have a very bad habit... after a nice, thorough, successful bath, many like to immediately jump into the bowl to bathe even though they're soaked. Keeping the bowl out until the bird is completely dry lessens his desire to mess up the cage, floor and walls afterward. The basic description and desire to do this? It's called *being a pain in the ass*

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It makes sense, so tomorrow Mazy will get a cold shower instead of a warm one. With warm when I put her on the bottom of the tub and the shower on slightly she just stands there. When I have her on my hand and put her under the warm she crouches and just seems to tolerate it. I'll see if I get a more favorable reaction with a bit colder. She definitely likes to get blow dried afterwards though.

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It makes sense, so tomorrow Mazy will get a cold shower instead of a warm one. With warm when I put her on the bottom of the tub and the shower on slightly she just stands there. When I have her on my hand and put her under the warm she crouches and just seems to tolerate it. I'll see if I get a more favorable reaction with a bit colder. She definitely likes to get blow dried afterwards though.

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It makes sense, so tomorrow Mazy will get a cold shower instead of a warm one. With warm when I put her on the bottom of the tub and the shower on slightly she just stands there. When I have her on my hand and put her under the warm she crouches and just seems to tolerate it. I'll see if I get a more favorable reaction with a bit colder. She definitely likes to get blow dried afterwards though.

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Hah! Well, I am smart enuf to remove the cold water dishes, I must have washed and dried about six crocks that day but it was very funny. Anyway yes, I put clean water dishes back in there, and put tepid water, that they don't try to bathe in. It's just that once in a while, I run out. See I have two Brita water filter pitchers, one on the counter that I use for cooking, boiling water, and bird water dishes. The other is full of ice water in the fridge. I use it to make cold beverages, or drink cold water.... so when I realized the tepid one was empty, I took the cold one out and refilled their dishes. Big Boo Boo. But I was in a hurry and I made a mistake, I forgot it would start a Waterrrr Parrrrty!!!!!

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  • 8 months later...

A late addition to this topic - Maxi also loves the ice water bath in her water dish. She's pretty good about showers, too - she has her own perch in our shower, just out of the shower stream, so she joins me in there each morning and gets a steam bath even if she doesn't get wet. Every few days, I run her under the shower head, too, and use the mobile shower head to squirt under her wings, etc. She usually squawks a bit at that, but also raises her wings so I can really get under them :P - it all seems to be theatrics.


What Dave007 said is true for Max, too : she is MUCH more apt to try the Bath-in-the-Water-Dish after a really good thorough shower!


After reading all this I am definitely going to try a larger dish of ice water - that she can really party down in - for her next bath attempt!

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It is funny this post came up about the time the same thing happened in our home. Our air conditioner went out it was just under 100 degreed in our apartment and it apeared that BoBo was panting. I figured he might be over heating even though we had fans on all over the apartment. I went and filled up his water dish and as an after thought droped 4 or 5 ice cubes in. I re attached it to his perch and next thing I know he was crushing the ice and attempting to get his whole body in his drinking dish. He seemed to have so much fun.


I tried with a much larger bowl to see if he would actually bathe himself but he refused to get in or even mess with the ice. I think i will try the large dish in the bottom of his cage and see how he takes to that.


PS still can not get under his wings when we shower or I spray.

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