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Now that the season is here for using our Fireplaces, I have concerns.


My grey is in my living room and that is where my fireplace is. Is they safe to use with birds in the same area? If you have used your fireplace or have any special things I should be aware of please let me know...thanks


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Here in Alaska my birds are experts on wood stoves & fireplaces. If you have an open fireplace you should have a front grating or glass panel. Especially if your bird flies. My birds are flighted in the house and they learned HOT! Just like a kid. Only once the 1 yr.old cockatoo went onto the wood stove top for a landing,just barely touched it's toe, and took out of there yelling his anger at the thing. The grey just sat there and laughed. Never again. My birds also like to be near the heat but know it can be dangerous. Birds have an uncanny sense of danger, and fire would be a natural.

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All good points. The one thing you need to do also is make sure the flu is open. Dont laugh many people loose pets and their homes because they thought they opened it. A screen is a MUST if by some reason that he/she flies to close or to the fireplace he will not get any further then the screen. It has to be a screen that goes all the way up to the openiing of the fireplace. The ones that look real nice and they are shaped like a u not good. If the bird is flying and he/she hits the mantle or the wall to the fireplace and falls down he could fall behind the screen and be right in the fire. The wood you burn is a concern also if you burn natural wood and it is not dry enough it pops and the ambers can leave the firplace and if the bird is that close to it the amber could hit him and burn him/her. These are the little things that we think are very normal and then we overlook them and a accident happens. They all sound like no brainers but we often enough over look them. Having a bird is like having a tottler. You have to kid proof your house so that he does not get into things he is not suppose to. You always should never take anything for granted either, even if it sound kind off silly.<br><br>Post edited by: ziggy, at: 2007/12/05 04:19

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