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New African Grey Mom


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Just looking for some answers to my new AG's behaviour. I know everyone says that I should not allow her to climb up on my shoulder but It's so hard to do. My neck is red with scratches from it trying to climb up on me. Any suggestions? Thanks

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consistency, consistency, consistency. i also believe that explaining things makes a difference, just keep it simple - think toddler. they are very intelligent, so don't underestimate that.


our new CAG is very hand tame, but still learning about us, and us about him. he will try to get on my shoulder, but that makes me very nervous. the dominance issue isn't even on my mind at this point - it would only take me bumping into something to spook him, and that beak is too close to my face for comfort.


tonite i had him on my hand, used the egyptian hold and told him we didn't know each other well enough to do the shoulder perch thing when he made his move. he did some flapping, but he didn't go for my shoulder as much.



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If you don't feel comfortable with her on your shoulder then don't allow it, I do allow my grey to sit on my shoulder but I watch her body language and I have had no problem so far. I have scratches on my shoulders and back from her sharp talons, you would think I had been in a cat fight, but they can be trimmed so they aren't so damaging.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little about yourself and your grey.

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We let our bird on our shoulders and he loves it there. His nails are not a problem because they get filed down when he runs around on his perches. He loves to sit there and comb my hair with his beak and nibble my nose. Sometimes though he does get excited and likes my ears, so I just put him back on his perch and if he flies to me again I hold my hand up and he lands on my hand and I place him back on the perch again until he has calmed down.

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Hi Judy,


Yes I do too Buddi has always perched on my shoulder, but only when I am alone with her, never when others are in the room. We got to know each other slowly that way and she has never in four years bit me or attacked me while on there, nor is she any problem to get off my shoulder.


But Charlie my newer bird (since April 07) is just learning to perch on my shoulder, since I am still training him about using his beak. He still makes mistakes with his beak about once a month, but it's less severe each time. When he makes a mistake, I correct him but I still tell him I love him.


He is learning to be held more and scritched, his previous owners did not hold him or scritch him. He is slowly becoming more and more gentle, so I have only had him on my shoulder twice just recently, and he is just now asking to go up there because he sees Buddi on my shoulder.


I proceed with caution, and only for short times like five minutes, with him as I establish the protocol... ;)

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Hi, while I allow Bella to sit on my shoulder, she really prefers to be nestled under my chin. When she flies to me, or I pick her up, she gets on to my hand and I put my hand close to my body, positioning her close to my chest and under my chin She loves it there. Maybe if you try that Cookie, he'll find it's nice to be there instead of on your shoulder?

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Birds on the shoulder is a on going debate here in the forum. Some say yes some say no this is the same with clipping wings. The best thing I have found is that you are the boss of your own bird and you and only you can make this determination. Me I have 17 birds ( 2 more coming) and all of them are free to go on my shoulder, but there are rules they need to follow. you need to be aware of what they are doing while up there. The signs are there you just need to know them for this to work. If he/she is getting nervous then take them off your shoulder. Another sign is that he/she is getting to ruff up there(nipping and pulling earrings ect.). The one sign that he is geting upset is that he will pace from on side to the other. There are many others but if you as the dominate one get this under control you will have great success with this. Yea there is a chance that you will get nipped in the process but thats the price you have to pay if you want him up there. The best advise I have to offer is, if you are not 100% comfy with him up there and you dont trust him/she 100% then you need to not put him up there until you can build up that comfort level. You need to be the boss at all times with birds if they see a weekness they will go after them and try to push the envelope to the fullest. This could be a nasty lesson for you if you dont take control from now. That sharp thing on the front of his/her face can do extreme damage to you so please be careful. Every bird will react differant so what is good for me might not be good for you. I say if you like the shoulder bird just remember it should be a privaledge for him to go up there. Also if you let them up there you have to always let them up there. You opened the door for him to do that now you will have to live with it. All birds go to the highest point so by letting him up there he feels it is ok to be there and he will act on that. The biggest thing you need to know is that you need to be consistant with him if its no then its no. Try not to be like its ok for now but then later its not. Thats not fair to the bird when you get upset when he/she does it when you dont want him/her to do it.

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Thanks everyone for your reply. As a new mom to Cookie, I think we were both feeling overwhelmed and perhaps a little unsure of each other. Today is day three and we are both feeling much more comfortable. Cookie and I thank you very much. I look forward to our future communications.

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Klaus is a shoulder boy. He's sitting on my shoulder right now! I tried like heck not to allow it when I first got him but he was VERY determined and managed to wear me down. I also discovered I sometimes need use of both my hands when I'm with him, so it's easier this way. So far I don't feel like he's trying to dominate me and aside from one earring mishap I'm pretty much uninjured...

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Laurie nice name my wifes name is Lori. Anyway you allowed Klause to win you said it your self he is the dominate one when it comes to your shoulder. You have allowed him to set the rules and now he will make the rules. I am like you I let all my birds sit up there as I said though there are my rules they need to follow. In your case I think he got the upper hand. If you comes down to is that you are comfy with it. You need 100% trust and faith in your bird to make this a pleasurable time for you and the bird.

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Cookie: welcome to the grey family. My CAG Mazy is a shoulder rider except when I know she is getting excited or when she's just trying to be the boss. She does have several sweatshirts she likes me to wear but my bird clothes are special for that ( you know poop, holes chewed in them, etc)a thick collared shirt or hooded sweatshirt will save your shoulder and neck. If I'm just wearing a tee shirt and Mazy wants to step on the shoulder she will go part way and then back off realizing I don't have a heavy sweatshirt on. Then she just sits there and gives me the look, like, "Well,,,, are you going to get the bird shirt on for me or what?"<br><br>Post edited by: MazyAK, at: 2007/12/07 06:59

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