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[Pic] My baby bird is home!


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Hello, all!

Totoro, my baby CAG, is home :woohoo:

His original name was Frodo for about 3~4 days, but my little brother wanted to name him Totoro. Thus, his name has been changed to Totoro. I'm hoping that he is not much confused :pinch:

He is absolutely lovely! He is flight-suit trained, so he is wearing a yellow diaper.

Isn't he adorable?{Love-0002011D}








Frodo1.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: lalalatv, at: 2007/12/03 19:43

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Hello and welcome to the family, Lalalatv, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Totoro, what an unusual name, but I like it.


You are not bragging are you, of course he is adorable, aren't they all, and especially when they are still babies and yours is no exception.


I see you already have the right reading material, a highly recommended book on greys in that first photo. Is this your first grey and first parrot?


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and ask any questions you may have. We will do our best to get an answer and help you in any way we can.


Thanks for sharing some photos of Totoro with us we love to admire each other's greys and love the babies.

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Thank you for the warm welcome!

Totoro is a character from my favorite Japanes Animation, and my brother wanted to name him after this character. In fact, their feather colors are quite similar.


He is my first CAG. I grew up with Parakeets, Parrotlets, and Meyer's Parrot, but I still have a lot more to learn and this forum is very helpful!


I have been reading a tremendous amount of articles and postings about Greys past few months, but there are still tons more to read! I will keep you updated about Totoro!

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welcome to the FAMILY!!!!

Totoro is gorgeous, and look at those baby eyes just melts your heart. Good luck with him and enjoy him. He will be a companion for many years to come. Being a baby he will go through many stages and fazes. The best advise I have for you is to have alot of patience and you will reep the rewards later. Please ask as many questions as you want there are many people here to answer them. You will get the best answers on the internet right here. Again welcome to the Family!!!!!!!

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Thank you for all of your warm welcome!

Totoro wears his diaper when he is out of cage.

I don't remember the exact model number for my camera. It's a SONY digital camera, and I paid little over US$200 about 7 months ago.


In fact, I want to get a Panasonic network camera so that I can watch Totoro even when I am not home through my cell phone or Internet. It's on the top of my wish list for this Christmas ;)

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Thank you, everyone :)


BTW I just heard back from the DNA lab, and Totoro is a girl!!! :woohoo: I've been calling Totoro he all this time. No wonder why she likes my brother more. Now I should work even harder to get her affection ;)



Totoro has been trained to wear a diaper since she was very young, so she would keep it on without a problem. However, I can tell that she still prefers not to wear it (of course). Thus, I am also thinking about potty-training her. How is your training going? My breeder told me that it usually takes about a week to potty-train Greys. Keep us updated about how Oliver is doing with her training and I would love to hear some training tips.


Post edited by: lalalatv, at: 2007/12/07 20:21<br><br>Post edited by: lalalatv, at: 2007/12/07 20:23

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Hi, lalalatv--


I'm definitely the apprentice when it comes to poop training. We have good days and bad days :P For instance, a few minutes ago I took Oliver out of his cage and stood over the "poop mat" and said "Go Poop" and he immediately squatted and went. But earlier in the day I did the same thing, stood there for two or three minutes with no poop forthcoming, decided he didn't have to go, and two steps into our trip to the office he dropped a nice big pile onto the floor. I highly suspect he knew exactly what he was doing, because he's done it in that exact same spot more than a few times!


There is a very good thread under the "Training" topic in which Dave007 gives some fantastic tips. I just picked up some new advice from it and will adjust my training techniques. Nychsa also has a thread under "Training" (called "Success") where she talks about potty-training her baby. This is a great web site-- I've found I can usually find a useful thread just about anytime I have a question, and I always can count on good advice from the members.


Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress!



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Hi, KatB.


Thank you for the information.

I am still undecided about potty training, because I am afraid to give up the advantages of flight-suits when she is already trained to wear one. It is very convenient especially when I take a walk with her outside and also for a car ride. However, she spends much more time indoor, so I would like to keep her as comfortable as she can be. Although it is quite easy to put the flight suit on her, she still tries to get away from me when I am putting it on her. She won't take it off once she is wearing it, but I can tell that she is definitely not excited about her diaper.


I will read through the recommended threads and start the training this weekend. I will certainly post on Totoro's progress as well. Thank you!

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It is very possible to train a bird especially a grey to do both. Potty trianing and to wear a flight suit no problem for them. They have such a eager learning ability that this( after good training) will be a snap for you beloved grey. Greys are very intelligent and are always willing to train and to learn something new.

Have plenty of patience while training it will all come together. In the end you will reep the benefits of your time and devotion. First though have fun training and be very consistant how ever you choose to train. Make it fun for you and the bird, you will have better success using these methods.


Good luck again!!!!!!

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