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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for an up date, i have spent the last two weeks introducing Soldier to Alfie,Freddie & Coco,As you know Coco is quite in love with Soldier so she has been coming out of the bird-room & sitting with Soldier on top of the cage.

Yesterday after approximately 7 weeks of hard work Soldier joined the others in the bird room :) They have all been absolute angels accepting Soldier, he has had a wonderful time playing on the ropes etc.. He many never be as tame as the other 3 but im sure he will have a happy life living with the flock ;)


Soldier is on the left,coco in the middle then Freddie, Alfie was helping me take the picture sitting on my head !!


DSC01079.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/02/03 10:46

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  • 1 month later...

It is with deep sadness that i have to update you, Soldier has gone to live with my friend with an indoor/outdoor aviary .The last 2 weeks have been hell, He found an inner confidence within himself & started to dominate the group to the point where my boys were suffering.I thought long & hard but i wasn't prepared to let the situation continue.I removed Soldier from the group with great sadness & a sense that i had failed him :(

As with many rescues they come with baggage through no fault of their own,Soldier being a wild caught & imported grey had a lot to contend with.He does now have a forever home with my friend but my rescue days are over. Emotionally this has drained me & i cant put myself through this again.I have 3 wonderful CAG's & 1 TAG & i will not jeopardize their happiness.

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Sorry to hear this Tracy. Things were going along so well for you guys. Sometimes the past is hard to overcome with birds. YOU HAVE NOT FAILED IN ANY WAY AT ALL. Don't bring yourself down, you're a WINNER in my book. I know of a story I witnessed with a boy the was entered into a loving home with 3 kids and I seen the three become unhappy and different. The new one was a boy with a not so good past, and very high strung. This boy had to go to let the other three become thenselfs again. Yes it was so sad, but it had to be done.

I wish, only the best for you and your flock.


Your Friend Joe

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I know this was one of the hardest things you have had to do Tracy and my heart goes out to you right now, but know this, you did not fail Soldier. You did the best you could and that is all we would expect of you, but you have the others that were there first to consider and the situation was only gonna get worse.


Please don't berate yourself over this, you are one of the most caring and compassionate people I know and you will get past this with our help. You have my help any time you need it Tracy, you know I am there for you.:)

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I honestly believe that if YOU couldn't help this grey then he is probably beyond help. I feel sorry for the little guy, but the person to blame is the one that caught him from the wild in the first place.


Good luck with the others!



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miss tracy as a rescue mum let us just say you fostered soldier until he was ready to go to his forever home. you did nothing wrong and everything right. every decision you made was in soldier's best interest and not motivated by your ego.


of course you are heartbroken! but do not let that stand in the way of helping another little soul on the journey to come. please keep that door open when your feelings heal. there are so many little ones that will flourish under your care and yes, fostering can break your heart but you are doing A Big Thing.


have you ever read the piece called "the rescue rainbow bridge"? that'll get you that is for sure. i will see if i can find it in my files somewhere.


in the meantime, a blessing on your house and on your flock. go ahead and be sad, but not for too long. there is much to be done. and you have done well!


your friend.

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Tracy, you know that I would do anything for you and you will get past this, you have a lot on your mind right now and it seems overwhelming but there is light at the end of the tunnel and you will find peace there I assure you. I am here anytime you need me and I know that you would do the same for me.




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