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Indy the rescue


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Well i moved soldier's cage nearer to the birdroom as he seemed to be really intrested in the other 3 greys.

He kept climbing on the door so i a put a perch up for him, he sat chatting to Coco ;) Alfie & freddie ignored him as you will see in the picture, they were more concerned with wreckinh the place !! He seemed real happy sitting on one leg with Coco making gooey eyes at him :laugh:




not a great picture, i have dropped my camera & its gone funny :(

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Haven't been on for a while but just read this whole story, you're amazing! Thank God for kind hearted people who rescue animals. My grey who has had a very rough couple of years being moved from pillar to post is making progress all the time...just takes a lot of love and time.


Happy New Year!



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That's really cool Tracy. I believe you said you thought he was also a wild caught Grey? If so, he may not only be falling in love with Coco, but he wants to be back with a flock of Greys too, I would suspect.


It's wonderful to see him blossoming with your loving and gentle ways. :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

:laugh: Thanks for the intrest Kat.Soldier is still living in our lounge but he is adjacent to the birdroom,he shows great interest in the other three & i do believe given time & confidence he will join the others,he constantly flies on to the door & sits watching them, i want him to make the decision to join them, not me ! i leave the door open & im sure one day he will just fly in ;)

He has become more vocal since i got him & i just discovered he loves Dolly Parton ( the kids got me a CD ! )He whistles along to her :laugh:

So all in all were getting there,slowly but sure.

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Yes please keep us updated on Soldier, you have peaked our interest in him and we want to know how it is going for him. I believe he will one day join the rest of them, he certainly seems interested in their activity in their birdroom and you are right, it is his decision to make and not yours.


Thats great that he is vocalizing more since you got him, he has come a long way in a short time.:P

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Kat i have never heard of greys being kept indoors breeding,they need an aviary with the correct conditions etc.. but hey there;s always a first ;)



WEll soldier likes to be near the others even tho he hasnt taken the plunge & joined them in the birdroom.Eachday i leave the door open for a while,today Coco & Alfie decided they would come visit him,Soldier scared Alfie away but he let Coco perch with him.

Coco is the lighter grey in the picture,Alfie is on the right & Soldier behind him.



DSC01045.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/01/22 14:48

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