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Judy he has never been handled so that is going to be a long process,he is scared of hands/arms etc.. i have started holding a wooden perch in my hand while i chat away to him to get him familiar with one,ideally in time my goal will be that he may step up on the perch,but little by little, he is growing in confidence day by day :)

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Guest briansmum

yay a picture! he's so handsome for such a troubled little man. and soldier is a perfect name!!


well done tracy! karma for you xxx

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Tracy, I can't wait for the day when Soldier realizes he has just won the lottery!! He did the day you rescued him!!

Thank you for the daily updates!!:cheer:


I love the picture! He's beautiful.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/12/15 03:02

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Just a quick up date ;)


Soldier has made some vocal noises :) He is very intrested in the other three greys who he observes from his vantage point on top of his cage.I now can get within a foot of him without him growling,He has tried some tropical fruit mix & is enjoying it & even had a nibble on a palm nut,a great step from a seed only diet.

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That sounds like big strides in a short amount of time Tracy. :-)


The more healthful diet will help his disposition too, I would think. He probably does not feel all that well yet, from the diet he was on.


I would think watching the rest of the Flock, as you described, would also speed up his progress. There is nothing better or more influential than role models to follow.


Add your love and concern for him to that mix, and there is no doubt he will be a happy and contributing member of the flock.


It is wonderful to be able to read of his progress from day one forward. I have never been able to see the progress of a rescue from the beginning like this.


Thanks for including us in this!! I love these updates. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/16 14:13

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Tracy, it sounds like he is coming along much quicker than expected! I love that he is learning from the flock. I'm sure he feels better and more content already with the other birds you have. :)


Thank you for the daily updates. I look forward to them every day!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not too much to update, progress is slow but i

always knew that would be the case.Soldier appears to have settled well, he has found his little voice box & does make some sounds,usually in the morning when the other three are very vocal & again in the evening, it almost feels like he is talking to Coco :)

He loves palm nuts so that's good, no progress with fruit or vegetables but he enjoys soaked mix which has fruit & pulses in.

The growling which was quite loud in the first few weeks has almost disappeared, he only growls if i get to near & stops instantly if i step back a few paces.

so progress is being made but at soldiers pace, i don't want to push him in anyway & set him back further.

forgot to add he has shown intrest in one wooden toy & has had a little nibble at it :)

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miss tracy i love the name soldier! how very perfect for your brave little guy. give him regards from merlin and myself.


i am watching your progress carefully as merlin also has a "No Touchy Birdy" policy and when he was in foster he did accept a sandy perch to step up on, but so far not so much here at the monkey house.


when you are successful in this i would like to know every little thing you would like to tell me. i show him the sandy perch regularly and i show him my fingers and talk about mamma's hands not hurting little birdies and such. merly too allows me and The Hand to get about 12" away which i'm pretty happy with right now. at least he is not growling, squawking and hurling himself to the ground which i take as progress.


so please do keep the updates coming as i am watching and learning from you. well done!


and he looks pretty proud of himself up on that branch. do tell him how handsome he is from us.

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Sandra bless you, as you know & are finding out non touchy greys sure are a big challenge ;) You sound as if you are doing well, everything you are doing is correct, the constant reassuring ,talking etc.. is all positive.12" away is great & if Merlin is not growling he is obviously comfortable with it.Time & patience & a little progress slowly but sure is all positive.:) Keep up the good work ;)

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