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Indy the rescue


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Indy's home ;) Not a peep out of him in the car ride which was 2 1/2 hours.I toweled him, which he must be use to as he didn't struggle or go to bite, bless him.He went straight for a corner perch which i think will be his security corner,he did have a climb around the cage & eventually did eat some food.He just looks so sad with big round eyes looking at me, but i feel he is taking everything in, them eyes follow me everywhere.

Now the rehabilitation of this sweet little guy starts,a long road ahead but i will take it step by step.Thank you all for being concerned & intrested in Indy, i feel you guys are here with me in spirit :)

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Tracy - I read this while on a rescue site this morning and thought of you rescueing Indy and what it will mean to him....


"The Meaning of Rescue"


Now that I'm home, bathed, settled and fed,

All nicely tucked in my warm new bed,

I'd like to open my baggage,

Lest I forget,

There is so much to carry -

So much to regret.


Hmmm...Yes, there it is, right on top,

Let's unpack Lonliness, Heartache and Loss,

and there by my perch hides my Fear and Shame.

As I look on these things I tried so hard to leave -

I still have to unpack my baggage called Pain.


I loved them, the others, the ones who left me,

But I wasn't good enough - for they didn't want me.


Will you add to my baggage?

Will you help me unpack?

Or will you just look at my things -

And take me right back?


Do you have the time to help me unpack?

To put away my baggage, to never repack?


I pray that you do - I'm so tired you see,

But I do come with baggage -


Will you still want me?


-Author Unknown-

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Oh Tracy, I didn't intend to do that. I know you are the one that will provide what Indy needs and know that you are the love He's been wating for.


Destiny finally happened for him and you. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/09 17:33

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I'm so happy you finally have him home. I've been watching this thread, waiting for D-Day. Doesn't it pull at your heart-strings to see a little being so demoralized that it doesn't react at all? At least better times are ahead for him. Congratulations on your new toddler!

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Yes Dan that was a very touching poem and it cuts right to the heart, too bad the author is unknown, but it must have been one who has taken in rescues.


Glad that Indy is home and doing ok for now but with Tracy's love and attention I am sure he will flourish. Keep us informed of how he progresses.:P

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Tracy - good luck to you and your new addition - do you need help with anything? I know getting a new birdie baby runs up some bills pretty quickly - do you have paypal account or something if someone would like to make a donation to your efforts?

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Nychsa Thank you for your wonderful offer of help, Im touched. I know taking this sweetheart will be an additional mouth to feed but financially that's not an issue for me , my greys are insured for big medical bills if the need ever arises,My greys are my life & mean the world to me & fortunately i have a wonderful husband who allows to me to do what i love & as my name says, lovemygreys is what i do best ;)



if i ever doubted the human race you have just restored my faith,I am so proud to share my friendship with you & some special members on this forum.God bless you.

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Nychsa, karma for you for such a kind offer (I actually gave it to you yesterday, but thought you might want to know where it came from :).


LMG, if you are still considering renaming Indy, I have a suggestion: Trooper. It describes the poor fellow well.<br><br>Post edited by: spookyhurst, at: 2007/12/11 02:56

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OK Judy, i have a picture for you :P it;s not to good as my daughters photography skills leave a lot to be desired !!


Soldier has amazed me in just 48 hours,he has spent 2 weeks with my friend sitting in one spot & not moving, i have been sitting chatting to him since Saturday & last night he thought he would be very brave & climbed on to the java branch i attached to the side of his cage :) You can see the fear in his eyes but he has since chilled out & has been grinding his beak.



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Sorry Tracy, I didn't see this post before today.

I have said it so many times, but it is always true.

You have a heart as big as the whole outdoors. I have all tears in my eyes as I Wright this. Tears of love to you and your family, and now to a lost bird that will know love as large as yours. He will know SOON he was just REBORN, and life will be full for him. This is what Christmas is all about, THE TRUE SENCE OF A GOOD HEART.


I have to thank this forum for allowing me to meet such great people.


Love Joe

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Thanks Tracy for sharing a picture of Soldier with us, yes you can see the fear in his eyes but not for long for as Joe so aptly says you have a heart as big as all outdoors. Thanks so much Tracy for giving this grey a loving home and a chance to know a real family.:kiss:

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