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6 days till Ajax moves in!


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Hi Everyone,


Just wanted to introduce myself! I'm so glad I found this forum.


I am adopting a grey, his name is Ajax and he is 18 years old. I have a blue and gold macaw named Keno and I have had him for 8 years. Ajax is no longer wanted by his family, he once was very friendly but has been kept in a cage and not handled for a few years now. the owners are now afraid of him so they want to get rid of him. So he is moving in this sunday!


We have met him a few times and he seems to be coming around. He really hasn't bitten my fiance or I. He acts like he is going to bite, but then doesn't, I think this has worked and intimidates his current owners they jump and back off as soon as he does this. However my fiance and i are used to a much bigger beak :) so he has warmed up to us. He only lets us scratch his head right now but I think he will come around once he is with us 24/7. He seems to favor my fiance though, which is fine, since Keno favors me.


I hope Keno is not too upset with us. My goal is that they can tolerate each other. Obviously they have seperate cages but they will be kept in the same bedroom. Hopefully they will enjoy having another avian to look at and talk to.


Any inforamtion or helpful advice would be great!



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Hello and welcome to the family, Kerri, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Ajax.


Congrats on adopting a rehome grey, even though he is 18 years old, he will make a fine pet and companion, he just needs the love and attention that you are going to provide. You are so right, his owners are scared of his beak and the bite, but their loss is your gain.


Just be patient with him when you bring him home and he will come to trust you in time and I don't really see a problem with Keno except that you should continue to feed, clean his cage and so forth first since he was there first. Keeps him top rung and helps to keep the peace to know that he comes first even though you will love both equally.


You will have to quarantine Ajax from Keno for at least 4 to 6 weeks in case either would be harboring any kind of disease or illness, this is just standard procedure when you bring another bird into the flock.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and if you have specific questions you would like to ask we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


When you get some pictures of Ajax would you share one with us we would love to see him and you can post one of Keno in the other birds room if you would like, we would love to see him also.

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Welcome Kerri!!!


It's sad to hear that his present long-time Home has given up on him :-(


People like you willing to put forth the effort and time to help these poor fellows feel like part of a flock again are rare. Thanks for taking him! :-)


We'll look forward to hearing more from you.

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Welcome to the FAMILY!!!!!!

It is great to know you are going to rehome him. 18 is not very young so he might be set in his ways. Have patience and i hope he will come around for you guys. Ask as many questions as you want there are great people here to answer them for you. I have a B&G Ziggy they are great birds. Just be alittle careful with the into between the two. B&G's can be very aggressive toward a new comer. I hope you have a quarintine area for Ajax for at least 45 days. If I were you I would also make a trip to the vet before you bring him home to make sure he gets a clean bill of health. You dont want to have any airbourn viruses brought to your home and get the B&G sick also.

Again welcome to the FAMILY!!!!!

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I have a vet appointment scheduled for Ajax on Monday. I don't think he has seen a vet for a long time so hopefully it will go well. I'm sure he won't be too happy about it.


We have him set up in a seperate area of the house for the 1st 45 days but we are excited to have him move in!



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I hope the vet visit goes uneventful and he gets a clean bill of health, no he won't be happy about it but maybe he will be one of the forgiving kind and get over it quickly, my Josey does.


Be sure to keep us updated when he gets home and share a picture with us if you can, we would love to see him.

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Well Ajax moved in yesturday. He is such a sweetheart. His previous owners made him seem like me might be a little mean but he immediatly stepped up on my hand and even sat on my lap and watched football, ha ha, I will turn him into a Steeler fan! He still won't let me touch him much, but he will stand on me without biting.


I'll let you know how he does with the vet this afternoon, and I will post pics ASAP!



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Congrats on being able to bring him home and glad that it is going well for now. Don't worry about not being able to touch him much, a lot of them are that way but it will take time to gain his trust so give him lots of time.


I hope he gets a clean bill of health at the vet's today and please let us know how that goes and post those pictures soon, I can't wait to see Ajax.B)

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