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Real tree wood


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I was going to collect some real branches for perches in Cosmo's cage. I started picking a few up then started to worry that some might not be that good for him. Is there any type of tree to stay away from or the best tree branch? Judy you can help me out my fellow Virginian, since you know the trees around the area.

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Ok Jimmy, some safe trees would be apple, ash, birch, crabapple, dogwood, elm, magnolia, peach, pear, poplar, spruce and willows.


Some unsafe or toxic would be cherry, locust, oak, red maple and yew.


This is what I found so far, I know there are more safe and unsafe but this will get you started.

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I have had a few people come in and say "I give :: blanck :: to my parrot and he loves it." but it's something toxic and shouldn't be given to them...I figured I could give people the lists to try and save a few birds. Like I was saying before, some people don't do any research into bird health.

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Guest briansmum

as tracy said give them a good scrub, but i read it's also good to leave them soaking overnight in clean water, and then let them dry thouroughly before putting in the cage.

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