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Hello, from the freezing north east!


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Hello all!!

My name is Tasha and I recently adopted a Temneh named Mojo. He's atleast 12 and used to be a "shop bird" in a motorcycle shop. The upside? He's really happy to be in a home and apart of a family. The down side? He knows every annoying motorcycle noise you can think of and uses them regularly haha.

Mojo isn't used to being held very much and has always had his flying wings. We've been working on him NOT flying away when we go to pick him up and not flying off our fingers when we start to walk with him. I can see that we've made a whole lot of progress in just a short amount of time and I'm happy to say that my fingers are still intact :) I've done a lot of researche but that, as I've found with my other pets, other owners usually know best so I'm open for any advice available from all of you experienced owners!

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Welcome Tasha!!


It sounds like things are going well and Mojo probably greatly appreciates the more home like and normal environment, versus a Motorcycle Shop.


Does he do a good Harley imitation? :-) I can only imagine what else he picked up in the shop :P

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Hello and welcome to the family, Tasha, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Mojo, and that is such a cute name.:P


I can imagine that Mojo makes all those motorcycle sounds and it is not heaven to your ears but I think in time he will do them less and less since he does not hear them anymore, lets hope this is the case for your sake.:laugh:


Mojo will make a great pet and companion but it will take time since he is around 12 years old but he certainly can still learn and in time with your love and attention he will blossom into a trusting friend.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful and helpful information and if you have specific questions feel free to ask anything, we will do our best to answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have a picture of Mojo you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:)

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Hello and Welcome! I, too am in the freezing Northeast! It's snowing here, and ice later on.


Sounds like you are doing well with Mojo. I am sure he is glad to have a loving family. Remember to be patient with him, it will take a long time for him to adjust from where he came from, into this new way of life for him.


I look forward to seeing some photo's when you can! :)

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Haha. Sometimes the motorcycles aren't so bad when they're the funny ones. It's when he gets pissy and makes the sound of brakes squealing as loudly as he can that he tries my patience. The funny ones are a motorcycle horn, the click of a torch lighter, he says "ok, got it" everytime you're on the phone because that's what guys say when taking an order, and the cuss words can be kind of funny when no sensitive people are around (he knows every one in the book and says them when you drop something or when he gets tired of people). I'm looking forward to him picking up the noises around this house so he'll(hopefully) leave the loud break noises in his past.

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I wondered about cuss words, should have figured he would have picked them up also, he was around men and that is enough to do it. I think in time he will say them less and less, maybe never forget them completely but lessen the frequency perhaps. It must be a hoot though to hear the motorcycle sounds from a bird.:laugh:

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Hello Tash,

Welcome to the family. Sound like you have a long road with Mojo. Sound like he got along with the guys at the shop. Now he is in a home enviroment and it will take time to adjust to that. For the cussing that will HOPEFULY go away in time. they have great great memories

so he might reflect to those days in the shop. It will take time for him to adjuct because he need to trust you first.

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Guest briansmum

hi tasha and welcome! you sound like you have a little character on your hands, but then again aren't the all?


as others have said hopefully he will lose some of the more annoying noises (unless you're gonna start making them back at him :P )


he'll just pick up your telephone, microwave and washing machine instead :lol: ;)


can't wait to hear more!

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