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Grey Fun


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Greetings Everyone!


Since Bella came home, people have been telling me all kinds of funny stories about Greys, so I thought it might be great to share:


A lady in Florida told me that her Grey will yell "Help, Help call 911!" when ever the groomer comes to do his talons LOL


As for Bella, she's starting to do some things that keeps us in stiches. We think she believes she's one of the greyhounds. But we also think she tattles on them - she's only 6 months, so even though she chatters non-stop, the words are still working themselves together. She chatters as fast as I do so that doesn't help. Her new thing is she will chatter, chatter, chatter and then in the middle she'll say "woof, woof woof" and then she'll continue to chatter LOL! The newest chatter is she's trying to bark like my male greyhound and that is coming out just all wrong! I have a grey in an indentiy crisis! She thinks she's a dog!

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She's starting to terrorize the greyhounds. She's figured out if she chatters very excitedly they start scrambling around, and sooner or later they'll tell me it must be something outside that they have to tend to. And I think that's what Bella wants. Every time they race outside barking at something she runs for the window to watch them. I think the same way she manipulates my partner, she's going to manipulate the dogs!


My poor male, Doc, got stung in the tush by a bee two years ago so anything that flies has got to be trouble in his mind and his response is - run upstairs and jump into his basket.


So, he comes down stairs one mornign and I say "hi Doc" and Bella pipes up "Hi Doc". He stops dead in his tracks, looks at me, looks at her and in his face you can tell he's thinking "that is just wrong!" and zoom! Off he goes to his basket up stairs LOL!


To the poor guy's credit though, when people come over that Bella doesn't know, she seeks refuge with Doc, she flies over to him to be with him (of all critters in the house!), and he just puts up with it.

I'm going to need a hound shrink soon! LOL




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Speaking of funny stories....


The X Factor is running at the moment in the UK, and we watch it religiously every Saturday night. Last night, Liath was quiet for a change, and then when Sharon Osbourne comes on she starts blowing raspberries. When Simon Cohen comes on she does the wolf whistle.


For those of you who watch it... you will understand, for those of you who don't... Let me just say this... you wouldnt throw Simon out of bed for eating toast.....

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That is a hoot! How old is Laith? You know I've been wondering if they watch TV - Bella seems midly interested but she's more interested in cuddling when she's on the couch with me and Jiggy, my conure is interested in terrorizing her!

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FeatheredFiend wrote:

one of the many sounds our new grey does is a back up alarm from a delivery truck. well, the other day i bent over to pick up something and what do i hear but the back up alarm! talk about an ego bust!




Oh no Kris! LOL!


Bella thinks the alarm is our flockng call, so she does that "away" sound for the alarm every time I leave the room, adn she does it in perfect rythm!

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Great story i think thats really funny.

I got one===


Ziggy every time I give him a bath lately he starts yelling OUCH-OUCH-OUCH, what a cry baby he is. You would think I was beating him with a wooden spoon. My friends think what a character he is. If you did not know any better and just heard him screaming you would think I was beating him or a child.

This bird is a TRIP I tell you. One day I am going to be reported to dept. of children. When someone that does not know whats going on(I will Kill him for the imbarrasment).

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FeatheredFiend wrote:

one of the many sounds our new grey does is a back up alarm from a delivery truck. well, the other day i bent over to pick up something and what do i hear but the back up alarm! talk about an ego bust!





Oh man!!! It sounds like your grey has the same sense of humor as mine. LOL.

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Well, Bella is certainly showing me what I frequently say! Jiggy nipped at her toes the other day and she towered over him and said "NO,NO, NO, NO, NO!" LOL! So, I started watching what I say, and sure enough, the dogs get into something and I say no, no, no, no, no! Geezum! This is going to be like having a tape recorder around!

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ok, i got another one from earlier tonight. i was changing the papers in the cage, and goofy was on his playstand. as i started to roll up the papers, he said, plain as day "there ya go" and then a few minutes later, "work work work"


up til this point, he hasn't spoken. he really is so funny, between the back up alarm, the fart noises and now this :laugh:



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Good stories everyone!

Klaus isn't saying anything, still chattering. He is trying to learn to whistle the Andy Griffith song which is cute. It's chatter, chatter, beep, click - then a few bars of Andy Griffith.

Also, I cracked up the day I was pouring a can of vegetable soup into a bowl so I could heat it up, and he let out the longest, most appreciative wolf whistle I've ever heard...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now how do you undo a potty mouth!! Bella seems to have picked up that "what the hell" is something to say if you are startled by something and displeased with it! Hard to say who taught it to her because everyone around here says it!


Yesterday morning and today I had the audacity to give Jiggy his breakfast first - Bella ran over to her empty dish holder and exclaimed "What the hell!!"


She is like a little tape recorder!!

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LOL remind me not to ask you anything any more! LOL! She says it in MY voice! :woohoo:


That's true - what the hell is kind of a mild potty mouth thing, I just better be careful that not to much of my Navy past slips out LOL!<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2007/12/31 21:34

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