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Behaviour Problems


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Hi all,


First time posting on this website, however i have been a African Grey owner for 6 years now. Unfortunatly my first post has to be a not so good one.


After hunting around the web for ages, i have turnt to other African Grey owners for advice.


My male (at least i think he is male) African Grey, for the past two weeks has changed drastically. He will no longer talk (before he would not shut up), he sleeps all day (deep sleep) and will no longer get onto my hand. He will just sit on his perch like he is attempting to hibernate, for lack of a better word.


He seems very subdued, and almost as if he is in a state of shock. He won't leave his cage voluntarily. He is eating and drinking, and seems to have no physical issues, its just his mind which seems effected.


Its as if he has forgotten everything - he will even let a member of my family stroke him, who before he would bite and wouldn't let them near him.


Any suggestion on what could be the cause of his sudden change in mind and how i can get my old bird back :(

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1---he sleeps all day

2---He will no longer talk

3---He will just sit on his perch like he is attempting to hibernate

4---He seems very subdued

5---almost as if he is in a state of shock

6---will no longer get onto my hand.

7---He won't leave his cage voluntarily.


All signs of a variety of illnesses

You need to take your bird to a vet immediately


2 weeks of all these signs warrants a vet visit. Your bird needs to be checked out. Those signs above describe possible bacterial problems but don't wait around for guesses or possible solutions here. Medication might have be given.

Make sure there's no drafts near by. Keep area fairly warm--nothing under 72 degrees.

Go to the vet describe the problems in detail. He's the only one that can know what to test for. Good luck and keep us informed. Good luck

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Hello Stuaz, my first suggestion is take him to see an avian vet, especially if he hasn't seen one in a while, something may be wrong with him. Then after that we will try to figure out what has happened to change your bird's disposition.


You said you have had him for 6 years, have you had him since he was a baby, in other words is he about 6 years old? If so he may be just coming into sexual maturity and that may have something to do with it.


I see this is your first post, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about yourself and this grey of yours.

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I agree with Mrspock a vet appointment is needed A.S.A.P this litte guy needs help. This just happened to another member and the results were not good. They need

to be looked at when they are acting strange. The vet will get a blood sample and any test that are needed he will perform. Does he have a yeast smell at all?

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Ok, thanks for your replies guys. Much appreciated.


To answer Judygram - yes i have had him since he was a baby, and i did wonder about the sexual maturity as i had read that its about 6 years old that they reach it, but I think to be on the safe side i will have to contact a vet, unfortunately it will have to wait till tomorrow.


I will keep you guys posted.<br><br>Post edited by: stuaz, at: 2007/12/02 15:38

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Sorry about the delay in posting back. Unfortunatly things have been hectic what with my parrot Jake and work.


I took him to the vets last week, after really struggling to capture him while not making him distressed. When i arrived at the Vets they looked over him. Lifted his wings, made him waddle accross the table. All normal tests i presume. The vet concluded there is nothing Medically wrong with him, but it is possible that it is mentally wrong.


So really, it was a wasted visit, because the Vet did nothing to help him.


He has however perked up slightly, but still wont go onto my hand/arm as per usual, and still won't talk.


I hoping the vet was right and it is nothing but him being a bit moody or under the weather.

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Did they do any bloodwork and such, that should have been part of the visit. I am sorry they did not find anything wrong with him, something is different and maybe it is mental like the vet suggested.


Maybe he is just going thru a phase that he is moody and not himself and he will come thru it soon and be back to his old self. I hope so for I know it concerns you and it puzzles me, but in any case keep us updated on his progress. I hope it resolves itself soon.

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The avian vet I take Josey to will do bloodwork as a routine procedure, it tells them more about the health of your grey and is not just for determining illness. Maybe it is time to find a new vet if you don't feel comfortable with how this one handles things.


And yes you know your bird best because you see him all the time and for years at that, thats why you notice things that someone else wouldn't. Keep an eye on him for any further developments and stay in touch with us, I would like to see more involvement from you if you have the time.:)

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Yeah, i need to find a new Vet for my dogs as well. (they see a different vet though :P )


I think i will keep an eye on him, because although i care alot for him, Vets aren't cheap especially for them to tell me he looks ok :angry:


He seems to be being more productive e.g moving around the cage, he just isnt talking which is the most oddest thing.


I would to like to have more involvement, the problem is finding the time. Due to the nature of my job im ether on a Plane or just to tired tor do anything apart from relax :P

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Stuaz, One thing I found out when I got Bella was that there is a huge difference between vets as it relates to bird care.


My understanding is, essentially if a vet calls him/herself an avian vet, all that really means is they are willing to see birds. I learned that to get a vet who is specialized in bird care, one needs to find a board certified avian vet. Here is a link to a site that might be able to help you find one : www.birdsnways.com/birds/vets.htm


I got lucky and it turned out there is a top notch board certified avian vet right down the road from me! His office has pictures all over with him holding owls, eagles, falcons, and of course parrots. He has a genuine love of birds and gives me great tips for keeping my bird's lives interesting.


Good luck!


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Thanks Nychsa,


The Vet did call himself a "avian vet", and its the first time i had seen him with Jake.


Had a quick look at the link you attached, it seems useful however it seems geared at American/Australian Vets, though im sure there must be a similar site for Vets in the UK, i will have to have a look on Google.

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