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When to put 2 greys together?


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I have 2 greys, Liath is 18 months, and Oisin is 5 months. In the first couple of weeks, we didnt take them out together. Then they were out together, but I would supervise Liath and my husband, Oisin, so they didnt actually meet. Then they met but really closely supervised. Now I can have them both out for hours with no problems.


Well one teeny problem. Liath is totally in love with Oisin. Oisin is not so sure!! Neither bird has been DNAd. At this point they dont fight, and they both sit on top of Liaths cage for hours, on the same perch with no issues.


Is it too soon to try them together inside Liaths cage for short spells? Or should I just go for it and watch them closely?



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You run the risk of them becoming the best of friends and discarding you. As far as putting them in the cage together. Do they ever go in together during the time you have them out? A short test might be ok, with the cage door left open so there is an escape route, at first.


Only you can make that decision, since you already know the risks and possibility of you becoming the outcast one. If you start seeing that to happen, you could always place them in separate cages again to curtail it .

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I think them discarding me is not worrying me so much as them hurting each other. At the moment they meet on sort of neutral territory, and I worry about what would happen if they were stuck together.


I have tried putting them in the cage with the door open, but Liath (who owns the cage) wont stay in when the door is open. She sits on the open door telling Oisin he is a good boy:lol: !


Problem is I am still waiting on the steel guy to separate the cage, and now I am wondering is there any need.....



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Forgive me for my reply here. I assume each bird is in it's own cage right now? Exactly what is the reason for putting them in one cage?

I think you're right about one thing--"""I worry about what would happen if they were stuck together.""" The magic word here is STUCK. Most birds are happiest when meeting on neutral territoy which yours do. Most birds are happiest when they have their own area to go back to without another bird in the way. Most birds can develop better, more complete personalities if they're alone. Every grey has a distinct personality. The only thing they have in common is the color of their feathers. What you've got going there is an ideal situation for individual personality development. You talk about *discarding*. I assume you're referring to *bonding*. Any bonding that develops with a single bird and it's owner is an accomplishment. Having that happen with 2 individual birds is outstanding. Losing those bonds isn't a happy situation for anyone when it does occur. Read the loads of posts here that ask how to make a bird friendliar, more affectionate etc. I forget what you said the reason was for spliting that cage in two. Was it space? You've already got 2 cages there and you've seemed to have adapted to it. Do you feel that your 2 greys will be happier when put together? To a grey, their happiest time is to come out of the cage and meet up with another bird. They play, relax, chew, romp around and then they wanna go home. Things are developing and going in the proper direction right now with your 2 birds. You should remember that eventually, greys will become adults and a very young grey is totally different than an adult.<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/12/01 21:19

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The problem is the cage that Oisin is in is much too small for him to spend the next 50 or so years in. He cant flap his wings inside it. And I dont have space for a second cage the size of Liaths.


I used the word "discarding" me, cos thats what Dan said could happen, I dont want that to happen but I do want the birds to be as happy as they can possibly be.


You have a point here.... I am watching them out of their cages playing together and having a ball, and assuming they would be happier if they actually lived together 24/7. But maybe they are only happy together because it ISNT 24/7!!


If I was sucessful in having them share a cage, is it likely or even possible that they will start to fight when they are adults?


Dave, you should set up a consultancy business on bird behaviour, you know that? You are sooo knowledgeable and we are sooo lucky that you are on this forum. Thank you!



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"""""If I was sucessful in having them share a cage, is it likely or even possible that they will start to fight when they are adults? """"""""


When CAGs or TAGs get to the adult stage, many develop intense jealousy, possessiveness, possible aggression and intense aloofness. People misinterpt that aloofness for unfriendliness which couldn't be farther from the truth. Greys develop into very independent birds. They enjoy being alone so that they can stare and think for hours and relax, preen, nap etc. They don't appreciate people who interrupt all of that aloneness. So, would they appreciate another bird doing that? No. When out of a cage and doing all those things above, you'll always notice that parrots find places where they can be by themselves with no interuptions or distractions by other birds even if they're all in a large area. Not every bird does all of these things at the exact same time. Is it possible that they will fight? There is no absolute answer to that because of how totally individual their personalities. The first and most important thing I would do when bringing a new bird in is to make sure that there's a cage for each. I just took these pictures for you and I'll explain each one. Just understand that I'm not trying to give you a hard time and I apologise if it seems that way


3 cages--3 Greys---1 TAG and 2 CAGs. Each relaxing on it's own cage. None wanna have any contact with the other



Middle cage--CAG is in the cage relaxing--does'nt have any desire to come out even though he's doing the same thing as the others



2 other cages--2 quakers--each has it's own cage because even though they were friends as babies, they no longer get along with each other. They used to live together. Today, that's impossible. Notice that the larger cage can easily house the 2 quakers.



None of these birds want to be together right now ( greys). If they did they want to, they would be together. All of these birds are adults and developed their own personalities. So, all I'm saying is that it's impossible to read the future and give you an accurate answer to your question.

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Not really. They all get along when they wanna get along. The CAG in the middle cage likes to have mock fights with the TAG. They never hurt each other but they're always locking beaks and like to nip and chase each other. The CAG on the last cage pays little attention but is friends with one of the quakers(male) and they go at it too. The other quaker likes to be the policeman with all of the Greys and enjoys nipping at all of them.

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The cage doors are always left open but are closed at night. They all sleep at the same time and eventually go into their separate cages approx the same time. The TAG is usually the last one in his cage because he's looking for a last pet from my wife. The bird room that you see also houses my PC and at night the light is dimmed and they all head back to their cages cause they know daytime is over. I don't worry about them flying erractically all over the place. Other than flying around with each other, they constantly fly to my wife or I for attention and getting petted. All have been trained to land on us, not walls or curtains or windows. One of my greys loves my dog.


Look at the dog's tail. We were baby sitting that pain in the ass Yorkie,



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MrSpock wrote:

Just understand that I'm not trying to give you a hard time and I apologise if it seems that way



Quite the contrary. I listen and value everything you say. In fact in a previous post you told me that the cage I am thinking of dividing is too small, and I have spent a lot of time researching where to get a cage which was designed for 2 birds. Unfortunately I cant find one as big as mine would be divided.


My only other option is to do what you have done and make a bird room, but I am afraid that the Greys wouldnt get the attention they get now. The only room I have available is upstairs. Even if I havent actually got them out, they can chat away to me where they are now, as they are in the main room of the house.


The main thing is that this problem is getting a lot of thought. Something I probably should have done before I brought Oisin home. But then I wouldnt have Oisin, and that would be awful!



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I would not let them live in the same cage. Makes it harder to keep them bonded to you. Unless you plan to breed then you can go ahead and pair them up but you need to get them out of the house to somewhere they have more privacy.

Good Luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you planning to breed them? No, you just have a space problem, right? My CAGs are both in love with me and Buddi she the #1 birdie girl who is very jealous of #2 Charlie boy and since he is bigger than her and he can use his beak inappropriately at times, (his previous owners didn't shape his behavior), I'm still working on that --I'm afraid that if I set them down together she'll go after him being the pesky possessive female that she is, and he'll just try to defend himself. I think she secretly wants to run him off! He's like a guy who would be on the sofa with a beercan if he was a human, he is a big teddi bear and you should see his face when I pay attention to Buddi, he just looks like a lost puppy. Today he said "Joanne I love you". But if he is in a mood, stay out of his space!


Altho I am slowly wearing down his attitude problems LOL he has a very big, sharp beak that he uses on occasion. I don't want to start something that I have to fix and due to the jealousy factor, I moved them bcuz Buddy would fly down and try to climb up Charlie's cage...like, "Where is he, I'll go have a word with him and set him straight". She looked so determined to get in his space. I was afraid he might bite her toes off, do they do that? One day I put them on the big Playstand thingy, and he came down to be sociable with her. She turned around and faced him with her mouth open and leaned forward. So I said "oopsy daisy" and put him back up on the top.

Somebody was feeling a littly grumpy!


I live in a apartment --like a flat and its only 800 square feet. So I moved some furniture around, stored the kitchen table and put in a round little pub table w/barstools instead, and put Buddi's cage in that space. So, now they're not side by side and I don't let them out and about at the same time unless I am staying in the room. I had to make room....


I've only had Charlie 9 months. So, I figure that after a few years they will know that this is the deal and I'll see how they do together then. But not during mating season When is mating season, anyway?

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If you have a space problem there are some great two decker cages out there you can get for them.

I have a three teir one that I just love and is worth its weight in gold. I keep two quakers in it and my perch potato amazon.

I would do that so they stay pets.

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Well my plan was to divide the cage I have into 2 sections because I cannot source a double decker here(Ireland) that has the same dimensions or bigger than mine. But so far the steel guy is politely telling me he will get to me. I think it is a job he would rather not do!


I do have room in the house for a second cage - just not in the room they are in at the moment. I dont want to move Oisin out of the main room because he LOVES the company.


So far they are still getting on great when they are out together, but of course they are still babies really at 18 months and 6 months. Neither bird are jealous of anything so far, they share us, and the perches and the play gym quite peacefully at the moment.


I still havent made any decisions, because I dont want to make the wrong one :(




PS No I am absolutely not trying to breed them.

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Well Siobhan, at least they are getting along well for now which buys you some time.


You mention another room. Would two cages fit in it?


The reason I ask, is they could possibly both be out in the main room together most the time on a playstand of some type with food and water bowls etc. and be with you all there.


Then when it's cage time or sleep time, you could take them to their respective cages in the other room.


Just a thought. I don't know your living space or other possible situations, but I do know you have been struggling with this Cage dilemma for a while now. :-)

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Yes but it is upstairs.. out of the way of our routine.


To give you an example... in the mornings when the children are getting ready for school, I have to keep them in their cages (birds - not kids;) ) because they like to share in the cereals and toast. I have no problem with this, except the kids would rather play with the birds than eat their breakfasts, and we end up late! But we can still chat to them, and give them a slice of fruit or whatever during the meal. If they were upstairs, they would miss out on lots of times like this during the day, where they get interaction, but are not actually out.


Oisin is still not quite fully grown, so the cage he is in will do him for now, that is why I havent rushed into making a decision. The answer will come eventually....


Right now I am working on my husband to build me a new family room and kitchen extension.... then we would have loads of room.... Mind you by the time it is built, I will probably be pushing up daisies....



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Well being that you're not interested in breeding them, which is good, I wouldn't put them together unless you had them sexed first! If they were both males/females ok then great. However the only other issue you run into is them bonding to eachother. I have heard horror stories of 2 birds hating their owners once put together, and I've also hear where it made no difference. Being that they're still "babies" they're still going to be in that lovie stage with you. Come maturity in a year or so, that might change...You know what room you have to work with more than I do.


All you can do is take the information you have at hand and make the best decision. Will it always have the best outcome no, if it did, we would all be fortune tellers:laugh:

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