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My Cleo is 1 yr 2 months. She has started saying a few words but most of the time she mumbles. Also, we cannot really say in who's voice she is talking. Another thing, when I'm driving she starts having these neurotic behaviors and decides to bite me but not painful. She has her way of playing with me, problem is she those this when I'm driving. Is all this normal especially the talking part.

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They all talk at different ages,the mumbling you are hearing is perfectly normal in a young grey.She has spoken a few words so that's a good start.


She should be restrained when you are driving in a travel or carry cage,it is not advisable to let any bird loose in a car,there is a risk of a serious accident happening.

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It sounds like she's just beginning to talk. The "mumbling" is common. Some things that my Grey says sounds exactly like one of the members of my house while other words don't sound like anyone in particular. She has a wide range of vocalizations. In fact, there are some words that she uses that we can't tell what she's saying.

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Sean, like Lovemygreys said, Cleo should be in some sort of carrier when you are driving, especially now that she is starting to bite at you, I can see an accident about to happen if you continue with this.


Thats good and about at the right time for her to begin talking and yes it sounds more like mumbling at first but then it will become more clear.

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Hello Sean,

This is the age that she is trying to train her vocal cords to make logical words out of her mumbiling. Like baby humans they need time to get the sounds right to make sense out of the mumbo-jumbo. This is my favorite part of training a bird they sound so unorginized. Like a baby that cant get all the words to sound right. Have a great time with this experance you will enjoy it and have great laughs. As for the driving thing greys are very skittish and with all of the movement around her in the car she is very nervious thats all. I travel with my birds on my shoulder all the time. I love to carry them like that, but others tend to think differantly( thats ok)

You need to make your own choice on this issue. The more you travel with her in the car the more she will become accustom to it. For the biting she is nipping and holding on I bet. This is security for her she is not bitting she is looking for refuge from you. She cant tell you in words but she is in the behavior that she is expressing to you. That is a great thing because she trusts you and she wants to feel secure. You should be honored with that. She loves you and lets it show. Great bird you have.

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Great reply Ziggy. :-)


One other thing that could be causing the 'nipping". Dayo is now 7 Months old and just started a behaviour he has never displayed before.


He decided he does not want a very young grandchild too close to him He did this yesterday, my grandson walked up to my right side where dayo was sitting on my shoulder. Dayo then walked over to my left shoulder. My Grandson then walked to that side. Then Dayo, for the first time, gripped my shoulder firmer than normal and bit my ear fairly hard. At first I was a little bewildered, but then realized he was telling me that "We" need to move and get out of this scary situation. :-)


It could be that as you are driving, he see's something a little scary and wants you to "move" out of that situation.

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Joe is always good for a laugh or two, but they bite us to warn us of what they perceive as danger to us, they love us therefore they bite us, makes perfect sense to me.:laugh: :blink: :S :silly: :unsure: :laugh:


Sorry you got bit Dan, but Dayo loves his Daddy:kiss:

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