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CAG wants to escape the cage!


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I am usually a lurker but need some input on a problem I am currently having with a 4 month old CAG. This baby absolutely hates its cage. The cage is a King cage, ample size, maybe even too large, if that`s possible. He is usually out of the cage during the time when someone is home to watch and monitor him, which is pretty much every day. Spends alot of time on the play gym in the bird room too. This intense dislike for the cage began almost immediately when we got him - shortly after putting him in it, he began to climb the bars and just generally go crazy in his desire to escape. Won`t settle down until he tires of the escape artist routine, but then is back at it after a breather. I am concerned to the point of maybe getting another smaller cage, even though I can ill afford the expense at this time. He sleeps in a travel cage at night with a cover on it. I think this makes him feel more secure and he settles down in it when he is ready to sleep, but it is too small for extended periods of time. He`s only been with us a couple of weeks and I just hate to watch him be so unhappy in the cage. BTW, the perches are natural wood, made the right size for his feet so his grip is not compromised. There are toys hanging about and these do not bother him, since he readily plays with most things outside the cage. There doesn`t seem to be anything he is overtly scared of - he just hates the bars and being shut in. He is so intent on trying to get out that he doesn`t even stop to eat or drink, it would seem. Because of this, he is usually only in the cage when no one is home, which is not often. But this is apt to change soon when I get another job and have to be gone all day. Today I put him in the cage while I was at home so I could monitor his behavior and he has struggled off and on for quite a while. I need suggestions, please! BTW, I am not a new bird owner, I have a TAG also which I have had for over a dozen years and I have owned birds for twenty years, so I am not a novice, but this is my first experience with this behavior, so I am definitely open and receptive to others` experiences and advice, particularly as it pertains to baby greys in general.

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He might resent the confinement a bit after you have allowed him so much freedon but he will soon become accustomed to it especially as you are going to be away for longer periods. I suggest you pay him lots of attention in the cage and offer him his favourite food treat only when he is in it. And rotate toys to stop him getting bored.

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this which is causing stress which is making you stressed which is causing him to pick up and be stressed which is causing...................................................get the picture

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