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Edgar's Update


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Well, Edgar has been with me now for a month and he is coming along just fine.


I thought earlier he had picked my wife as his person, but he laid that to rest a couple days ago. She tried to give him some treats and he tried to take a chunk out of her and has tried to bite her several times when she tries to aproach him. And, him and I have become a lot closer. I walk out of the room and he wants me back by saying "Hello...........Hey!" Or if I put him down on the carpet to go adventuring and start to walk away he come's running and wants up right away. What a feeling that is.


He is now making all kinds of noises and has finally started talking a lot more. He even has one song that he whistles all the way through or most of it anyway but I cant figure out what it is yet. But, it is very pretty anyway.


He likes to set with me in my computer room and I have an old tall perch on wheels he enjoys with a few small toys. I am hoping for a nice new one for xmas, who knows. But, anyway that is what I asked Mrs. Clause for, for us.


He still wont let me touch him yet on his back, head or wings, but were working on that a little at a time.


So, I am starting to feel like we are making some real progress now but I will not push him. I have gotten this far I down want to lose the game now.


Thanks for all you kind help,


HannibalTheCrow & Edgar

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Thanks for the update on Edgar and I am glad it is going well for you and him. You are making good progress and eventually he may allow you to touch him somewhat, most will allow some neck scratches if nothing else. But realize some do not like to be touched much and he may very well be one of those.


You are doing a good job with him and you are right to be patient, he will come around in his own good time.

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Sound like you and Edgar are starting a bond together. The best thing is trust if he learns to trust you he might come around and let you touch him on his head and neck. Greys are very smart and love the attention, but they will push all of your buttons to see what he can get away with. Some are just very stubrin and will not want that real tight nit bond with humans. I hope you continue with the results and keep going he will learn a little more trust everyday. Your wife should also try to get a possitive responce from him. You dont want the stereotype grey(a one persom bird). But the results are great so far, good job and good luck.

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