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Greetings from Alaska


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To many I have missed and been away from in this grey world, I apologize for such a long absence but many things all at once make for pretty much zero internet time. Besides the birds got the attention first. I am trying to retire from the sea by selling my commercial boat and spend more time at home at our lodge with family and friends. The lodge has become very busy and many film crews like to film in Alaska. We have enjoyed watching Mazy get used to her new good friend "Avi" the med sulphur crested too. It's taken 6 months or so but they are now acting as siblings, competing for attention. The Too is very good with our guests and provides great entertainment flying from one to another. The grey is pretty much my bird but has loosened up to the idea that one good scratch and a ride are as good as any other.

I am forced to employ others so as to spend more time with kids, guests, birds, this group again, and,,,,,,,,oh yeah my wife. We'll be seeing you all out there and look forward to getting back to this family which seems ever growing.

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Hey Bruce saw you new post and went to check it out. I really enjoyed going through the pictures on this thread. Alaska is a beautiful State--to visit!! Too cold for me but oh so beautiful and the air is so fresh. I went fishing there several years ago, only female on the boat and with a three year old!!! The men were a little cross until I caught the most fish and my three year grandson charmed them all. It was the most fun trip. Glad you came back to the fold. Can't wait to hear some tales about your grey and cockatoo.

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Thanks luvparrots:

The guys on the boat were cross because they knew as the only female on the boat you were going to catch the most. Thanks for the hello.

Somehow the -6 to -20 degree weather is less than enjoyable here but birds and all stay plenty warm.

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Hi Bruce, welcome back. I just had to add that Alaska looks absolutely beautiful and you have an amazing looking home as well. I enjoyed the photos as well. I scrolled through this post, didn't read all entries but now I am curious as I seen you are trying to retire from the sea and selling your commercial boat. What did you do on the Sea? Were you a crab fisherman like they show on the TV show "The Deadliest Catch"? I am addicted to that show and was wondering if you had that kind of exciting life out on the sea too?


Again, the photos are beautiful. I'm glad you have returned to share you stores about Mazy and Avi. :)

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Thanks Casper & BaxtersMom:

I have been a commercial fisherman trolling for salmon, but most of my years were spent longlining halibut and blackcod from Southeast to the Bering Sea. I know several of the guys on the deadliest catch and they had it easy as they only were out there for a few weeks at a time where us longliners are there for months in the winter. It is just like you see on the show. Rough, lonely, and dangerous.

I'm 52 now and I have more total days of my adult life on the ocean than on dry land. I started when I was 20. This is really a dramatic place to live but these long subzero temps. are getting old.

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I find it fascinating what you do but know I could never handle something like that. It does look trecherous but on the show it seems like there is a brotherhood amongst the guys. I noticed the crab fishermen only go out for about 3 weeks. That seems like it would be bearable and perhaps kind of fun but not being on dry land for months at a time would be tough.


Well atleast you are retiring and get to be on the dry land more now and can spend more time with us talking about or feathered friends. :)


It seems you have some friends on here from way back and they are thrilled to have you back. Looks like you have been missed. I look forward to getting to know you better.:)

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Welcome back Bruce and Mazy! Great to see you here again. I really loved the photos of your house too- that must be something to see the northern lights like that. I really can hardly stand the cold and it doesn't get that bad here (MO) but it's bad enough for me. Glad to hear that Mazy and Avi are getting along okay and you all are doing well.

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Good to hear from you all and be back in touch. Full on winter but the birds are warm. Beauty has it's price up here and it's not for many. Attrition in Alaska sees more going back south rather than staying. As much as they want to stay the romance wears off quickly and reality sets in.

Basically those of us that stay are just plain crazy.

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