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Hi, another newbie, been watching you all for a while and thought ok will go for it, so here i am.Here i am with a grey sweet as pie one minute and trying to chew my fingers off another minute later would be grateful for any advice, previous owners told me he was a sweetie who steps up on command and is very friendly not with me and mine he aint, could i be doing something wrong?have had parrot before but not a grey.

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Hello, and welcome. I've learned from the 2 whole months I've been living with a Grey that consistency is the key. Oliver (my 21-month-old TAG) and I were doing fine, he was nuzzling and asking for scratches, hardly ever bit and when he did, it didn't hurt. Then we had to go to the vet and I had to be firm about putting him into his travel carrier. That was 2 weeks ago, and he hasn't forgiven me yet. Every now and then over the past couple of days he has let me scratch his head, but more often than not I'll get a bite, and if I'm not careful it's a bite that breaks the skin. So I'm back to trying to win his trust again. Sooo, to get to my point, could something have happened to annoy your Grey?



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Hello and welcome to the family, Hobbo, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey. How old is your grey and how long have you had him? I assume he is a rehome since he had a previous owner, so how did you come to acquire him? Just a few questions to get to know you better.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful and helpful information. Probably some of your questions will be answered and if not you are welcome to ask any question you may have. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have a picture of your grey that you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Hello wecome to the family

I agree we need more info about you bird to answer the questions with the right answers for you. Greys are very smart and love to test the waters to see how much they will get away with. Again welcome to the FAMILY!!!

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Welcome Hobo!!


It's great to hear you have taken in a previously owned Grey.


Time and patience are the key ingredients. It is possible he picked up some bad habits from his previous home or he just isn't settled into his new home and owner yet.


We'll look forward to hearing more about his past and present :-)

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