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African Grey living in trees behind house


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I really get disappointed when a heart compelling story such as this, is never followed up on.


I guess some new people that join and ask a quick question. Just do not realize how concerned and caring we are of each and every member and their dilemma, the birds and the final outcome.


I think most of us worry and want to help in any way we can and hope for a good outcome.


It looks like we may never know the continuation or end of this story. :-(


Didn't some of you live in comparatively close proximity to this members location?

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The current situation is that the bird is still about - only ever seen in one of the trees to our rear or on a nearby lamppost. We have only seen it a handful of times. It appears to be a good flyer. Having been free for at least 11 months would it be a good idea to reduce it to captivity having had its freedom for so long. Would a zoo be a good idea? Would they be interested. Might take so catching.

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Hi Dixie,


Thanks for the update :-)


Reducing it to captivity (which is where it came from) may cramp his present a little, but it is probably missing the companionship it once had and the great food.


I am not certain in your area, but others on this forum are from your location, generally speaking and I am sure would be able to put you on the path to perhaps contacting someone that would come and capture that Grey.

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Yeah wow! I just know that poor bird must need help. I am so diappointed that it's still at large. I would have called in the fire department by now but that's just me.


I mean, living in our world is like outer space to a bird like that. It could be eating bird seed from a feeder, but if the people stop putting seed in there, the food source could dry up.


Maybe its been lucky so far but what if there's an electrical storm? What if it gets caught on some power lines? What if someone shoots it, you know kids sometimes do stuff like that? Or an owl could get it. There are so many things that could cause it harm.


I think she should call her local newspaper or something.... no? Gosh I don't even live in the UK but I found lots of resources there, but you have to pick up the telephone right? Well maybe she did to no avail.

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Guest briansmum

dixie, have you contacted the local newspapers, or local TV news, they might do a feature on it. maybe that might generate interest into helping it.

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  • 5 months later...

I cant believe its survived this long, especially with our british weather. I have had a stray cat living in the garden since october and has survived the winter but for this little thing thats different. I hope its ok ;)

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