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African Grey living in trees behind house


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I live in south Liverpool in the UK and have a Tinmeh African Grey Parrot living wild in the trees behind my house. I see it most days. I have checked local resources and the RSPB - is isn't reported missing. Is there anything I can do to ensure that it survives and flourishes. We first saw it about 4 months ago.

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Guest briansmum

to be perfectly honest, it won't, i'm surprised it has lasted this long.

did the RSPB not come and try to catch it?

i don't know what to say really, but if i were in your position, and the authorities weren't going to do anything about it I would attempt to entice it into my garden and catch it myself.

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I'll bet it is missing from someone's home but they have probably given up looking for it since it has been months ago that they lost it.


I would put a cage out in your yard and put food in it and maybe it will come down and get in the cage for the food and maybe you can capture it, chances are slim but it is worth a shot. Not a whole lot else you can do if it is loose and living wild.

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judygram's advice is probably the best you can do. But you can also try posting it as "Found" on a couple popular lost and found sites like ..... http://www.birdhotline.com/ and http://www.911parrotalert.com/ ... and of course the best site ( my site :) ) http://www.infosuperflyway.com/articles/lostparrot.php


I'm not sure about the other two sites but my site is predominantly used by people in the US but it should work for you too. It's a long shot but try it out and let me know if it works for the UK.

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As the others have said the only thing you can do is attempt to entice it down,It's not the first time i have heard of the RSPB or the RSPCA not really wanting to know.As you are in the UK you could try & contact

(John Hayward tel 01869 325699) he deals with a register for lost & found parrots, if you give your location there may be someone in that area missing a grey

e-mail jh@ntr.supanet.com

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It has survived a couple of cold snaps (frost on cars early in morning). The weather here last year rarely dipped below freezing, so it may survive Winter. We haven't had snow for years. What food should we put out? What would entice it down?

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Yes, most advice is to put a cage out there near the trees and put food in it. Can you at least buy a small travel cage, about 18" by 20" by 2 feet high? The bar spacing should be 1 inch apart. They usually cost about $100 USD.


Then put it on a little portable table and put some pellets, mixed veggies and rice, and water in three food dishes. It's probably a pet that got loose and it will recognize a cage and food. With any luck it will begin to roost at the cage daily to get food and fresh water. You might catch it inside, and you can shut the door. Good luck!

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Hi there,

I found this cage on the Fish Fur and Feather website.

It's located in Liverpool. It looks small enough fo r you to carry it out there but big enough to do the trick and it's affordable. Question is how big is the cage door. They do free deliveries in the UK over £50 and the Website address is:




Ferplast - Max 6 Parrot Cage and Stand - Brass £151.30


A round traditional style brass barred parrot cage, complete with round stand. Supplied with 2 feeders/drinkers and 2 perches (one is a swing). Size 53 cm diameter x 165 cm height Size: 53 x 53 x 90cm.



I also found this while surfing the web for UK parrot info; maybe you could call this man:


Lost, Stolen & Found Birds




John Hayward runs the National Theft Register. Call: 01869 325699 John Hayward compiles the Lost and Found Register nationwide and updates this site on a regular basis. John is a past Detective Inspector and Wildlife Liaison Officer, which qualifies him admirably for this position. His work is invaluable to parrot keepers when birds have been lost or stolen.


If anyone has suffered a loss in this way, please contact John rather than Parrots magazine as he has nationwide contacts and an excellent relationship with most police forces. We thank him for this invaluable service.


John Hayward runs the National Theft Register. Call: 01869 325699<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/11/29 23:32

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Ark Veterinary Centre


Woodend Industrial Estate

Woodend Avenue


L24 9NB





Ashleigh Veterinary Center

Aidan Raftery MVB CertZooMed MRCVS and Molly Varga BVetMed CertZooMed MRCVS

Avian and Exotic Animal Clinic

221 Upper Chorlton Road


M16 0DE


Tel: (0161) 881 6868 , Fax: (0161) 860 5047


www.vets4exotics.com & www.ashleigh-veterinary-centre.com


(I found both of these two on an Avian Exotic Vet. website I hope it helps you)


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The Parrot Society UK




The Parrot Society UK.

92A High Street




HP4 2BL.

Telephone/Facsimile No.:


(44) (0) 1442 872245


advertising@theparrotsocietyuk.org <advertising@theparrotsocietyuk.org>


You can email John Hayward (Your UK National Theft Register Co-ordinator)for lost stolen or found parrots.

Tel / Fax: (44) 01869 325699

E-mail: John Hayward

jh@ntr.supanet.com <jh@ntr.supanet.com>

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This is an interesting situation. If it has been hanging around that area for 4 months and flourishing. It must have found a food source and place of shelter that it now considers home.


Have you noticed it feeding at all? Does it talk or make any type of noises when it see's you?


The others have all given great advice in perhaps capturing it using a cage and food.


If the local government offices don't ant to try and catch it. The rescues that BirdMoom provided would be more than happy to rescue that poor lost fellow, I'm sure. That is if you don't want to keep it yourself, if you can capture it.


Please keep us informed as this progresses. We love and worry about these precious birds and our hearts go out to them constantly.


Thanks for being such a responsible and concerned person. :-)

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Thanks everyone for all the info. I have emailed John Haywood. Latest info from window cleaner suggests that it has been there since at least January. So I think its a good bet that it has a good source of food, loads of berries on the trees and has found somewhere warm to perch - possible the church spire or around the graveyard somewhere. I went out today and I couldn't see it but could hear it doing whistles and noises that were definitely not native in nature! I whistled back and got a reply in imitation. Seems a content bird, but of course has no partner, so must be a bit lonely. Can I sex it by just looking at it?

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Guest briansmum

i can't believe it has survived this long in the wild, there are WAY to many berries and leaves that are toxic to greys.


i can't help but wonder if someone has it trained.. sort of like a pidgeon. it flies about and goes back home for food. this would also explain why it isn't reported missing... hhm..

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