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Feather Plucking and Red Palm Oil


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Hey there, I posted about a month ago about Buddi plucking. I took her to two vets, one suggested a depo provera hormone shot, and did a CBC and a yeast culture. The CBC was normal but the yeast culture came back positive and we tried a spray but that upset Buddi, she tried to pluck more. So after only 24 hours on that, I bathed her, and we returned the spray and got oral antibiotics but after day ten, she didn't want to come out of her cage. So, I stopped the meds and took her to a different vet, who ran a fecal gram stain, and said the fecal was fine. So she recommended Red Palm Oil, because in the wild the mainstay of the CAG diet is a fruit from the Oil Palm tree. It is a reddish oil with some pulp in it, and I bought it at the vet here in Roseville, Calif. and you can also buy it at Whole Foods, I know someone in Colorado who bought it there and also had good results. The vet told me that it takes about two weeks for it to be effective, and I put it on her food, and give her a little pancake or oatmeal with a dab of the palm oil in it, about peasize (its solidified) but you can warm it up and make it liquid and then use a dropper. Anyway, it's been two weeks now, and Buddi is not so itchy and her feathers are growing back in her neck. I also put a dab of the oil on her neck where she plucks, and it was absorbed and I think the feathers in that area are coming in easier, her skin is not so dry. So she is not plucking them out. I am crossing my fingers and giving showers twice a week. I recommend the Red Palm Oil. Gosh, if its the main part of their natural diet, I wonder where I can buy the fruit?

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Yes, Red Palm Oil is a must for Greys, as far as I am concerned. I have been giving it to Dayo in his foods since we brought him home.


Of course, I have to thank this great Forum and it's members for providing that vital information. A new Grey owner would never know that on their own. :-)

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Guest briansmum

you could try buying the palm nuts whole too. you have to freeze them to keep them fresh and get one out to defrost over night. but thats a natural food for them.

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Hi Heather,

LOL. Yes, I went to the guy with the mobile van, it didn't work out so well. So, I finally broke down and drove to Roseville, but its not so far from Citrus Heights. She is very good, I'm happy.She even called me on the phone personally with the results of the labs.

We should meet up sometime. Wanna meet the kids? When are you going to the Bird shop for supplies? 729-5411.

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