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In the winter months, you should have avian light. Unless you live in a sunny warm area like the equator where you can take them outside for sun basking 3 or 4 days a week. The only other way you wil lbe able to maintain sufficient vitamin d3 levels for proper calcium absorption and over all internal organ health would be by them eating plenty of pellets or indoor aviain lighting. I do not know of anyone saying avian lighting is not necessary, unless they are kept outdoors each day.

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Hi everyone. I've read through every post of 4 different threads concerning lighting and greys. I have questions and posting them here because it is by far the most thorough of all lighting threads and perhaps someone else might have similar questions. Which can all be answered in one statement since they are in actuality all the same question.


Quesiton 1:

danmcq- are you saying that the Philips and the Lumichrome are the only lighting that is sufficient? I found a thread in the Health Room where Dave007 and another where Jayd recommended "regular" full spectrum lighting? And in yet another threadyou recommend "regualr Avian full spectrum...



Question 2:

Jayd- if you are in this forum, you recommended the Avian Sun Compact-- is that sufficient?


Question 3-

Is there a recommendation for rentals, those of us who cannot attached ceiling fixtures? And a good one! I don;t want my bird to not have the best I can provide.

Danmcq- you said in a different post that you use

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The Lumichrome setup I described building is by far the best way to go.


The second best way to go is using the Avian Sun, which is not "just" full spectrum lighting. It includes the spectrum's your birds need i.e, UVA and UVB. Many use this in homes or apartments where they cannot damage the walls or ceilings by placing holes in them for mounting items.

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  • 4 months later...

Dan, after reading this I'm planning on installing one or two Lumichrome 36" bulbs over a "play" center I'm making.


Couple of questions -

1) The 36" bulbs are listed as 30watts but I can only seem to find 3' T8 fixtures that are 25watts. Any thoughts on this?

2) Is ~20" above where the bird will be perching still the recommended distance? This is 20" above the perch and not the head of the CAG right?


Thanks for the great info -



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Hi Brett,


You can find electronic ballast fixtures T8 36 inch at home depot, orchard etc type stores. It is more difficult to find 36 inch fixtures rated at higher wattages. I went with dual 24' inch fixture. You could go to a 48 inch fixture and find many more wattage options.


20 inches above the perch is fine.

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Thanks. I ended up picking up a dual 24" fixture. It was rated for 17watt and even though the bulbs are 20watts they said it should be fine.


Any idea if the light diffuser cover (bumpy kind) will remove any of the "good" stuff?



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