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aloe vera


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chapala wrote:

Re aloe vera as a skin spray, I just wanted to mention that there are people who believe it is not good to use except for a short term condition such as a wound or burn, and that it actually can end up dehydrating the skin. A spray made from chamomile and coltsfoot is considered by some to be much more soothing for plucked parrots. There are many parrot experts that recommend nothing but plain water (preferably with no chlorine) to spray on birds, and that is what I always have followed. My birds have wonderful feather condition and have never had even a spritz of aloe.


This post is just to let people know that if they ask questions, they will find out there are differing opinions and not everyone is convinced that aloe is either helpful or benign. This site seems to be 100% in favor of using aloe regularly as a spray on parrots' skin, so I thought an alternate view might be helpful in encouraging people to look into it further before using aloe all the time.

Reta<br><br>Post edited by: chapala, at: 2007/12/03 02:26






so whats your take on this subject.{Communicate-00020132}

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