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Behavior: Dipping food in water


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Hello everyone!


I suppose this is my first post, if you don't count my introduction in the welcome forum. I have a quick behavioral question, but first let me say thanks to judygram, Kibibi, chapala, FairY, danmcq, lovemyGreys, Laurie, dblhelix, and ziggy for the warm welcome.


I have a new baby CAG named Rigel which has a strange behavior and I'm curious to know how common it is. He/She likes to dip certain pellet foods into the water bowl to get them wet before eating. Rigel doesn't do this with Harrisons or the fruity colored Zupreem, but loves to dip uncolored Zupreem. It's amazing how smart they are. I suppose the bird thinks he/she is making gravy.


Oh, if you'd like to know more about Rigel and see a few pictures, please visit my "Hello from Georgia" post in the welcome forum. And, as an update to that post.... Rigel just received a clean bill of health from the Vet this morning. I'm still awaiting the DNA sex results.



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Most greys like to make soup, they will dip their food in the water and this is nothing new and the fact that he/she only does certain foods/pellets is no surprise either. Perfectly normal behavior for a grey.


Thats great he/she has a clean bill of health, thats always good to hear.

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Guest briansmum

glad to hear your baby is doing well :)


as judy said it is perfectly normal for greys to dip their food, making soup is a great way to describe it. so long as you don't mind changeing the water several times a day leave him/her to it :)

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I'm so glad you asked this question, Kaedyn. My Oliver also makes soup daily. I usually change the water when I notice it, but have often wondered whether I should leave it a while to give him a chance to eat his creation. What's the consensus?



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Birdie soup is a favorite! But water with food in it grows bacteria, so if you can't change it frequently, I suggest a Lixit water bottle. Kali has one, and now I don't worry about him having fresh water. I do put a bowl of water in his cage occasionally, and he has a water bowl in the aviary he likes to splash in.

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