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Touching Edgar


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Edgar has now been with me for 3 weeks and he is doing really great. He steps up really good and loves to give me kisses. He is very comfortable on my shoulder or on my arm walking through the house. He also likes to explore on his own when put on the floor (supervised of course). He has a wide variety of sounds and he has started talking a bit with a few words.


But, he has a real issue with me trying to touch him other than setting on my arm or finger or hand. He is just really really scared of that. He doesnt bite but just flies the moment I try to even move either hand to touch him even for a split second.


Would it be adviseable at this point to towel him to try to show him that I am not going to hurt him or should I just be more patient for a while longer to try to get more trust going?


Everything is going so well that I dont want to cause any problems.


Thanks for any help you can give us.

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If he's only been there 3 weeks, just be patient. He'll come around eventually. I adopted Gina from another family and have been through the same thing as you. Don't start by trying to touch his back, wings, chest, or tail. Best bet would be to start off by attempting to scratch his head.

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My grey is around 9 years old I have had her since she was 6 months. The first couple years I could touch her but over time she stopped asking or letting me.

Greys are not touchy feely birds according to the research I have done on this matter. They love hands off interaction.

But that's ok with my my amazon think she is a green too. :P

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Hi Hannibal,


As the others have stated, time and patience will prove productive. It sounds like in just 3 weeks he is already warming up to you nicely.


As you can see from Number6 photos, it took months and bribes, but look at that wonderfully relaxed grey just as comfortable on his back as if he was standing up :-)


BTW Number6 - It's great to hear from you again!! :woohoo:

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Great pictures Number6 :) Everyone's advice is correct -- three weeks is not even close to enough time. It's more like months (or years in some cases). It depends on the Grey and the Person so there is a wide range of time. That is one of the gifts that Greys give us all -- patience ;)

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Judy, I just started out by getting her comfortable hanging upside down on my fingers, then started holding her back while she was upside down. Eventually, she just let go and will lay there. She also lays on the computer desk on her back and likes to play.

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