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Think Parrot Show 2024


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On Sunday I went to the 'Think Parrot' show and I took Alfie with me. It's the second time I've been to this show- the last time was back in 2019 and it used to be an annual event. But unfortunately Covid and Avian flu shut it down for a few years. This is the first year they've run it since then so I decided to pack Alfie up in his travel cage and take his trolley with us so we could get around.

It's a great event with loads of different parrot/avian companies and organisations setting up stalls in the building. They run three "masterclasses" throughout the day that cover various topics about parrot/avian care and there's also a free flight demonstration outside. I managed to catch two of the three masterclasses and one of the free flight shows. I also stocked up on loads of toys and goodies for Alfie.

Alfie always amazes with me how much he takes things in his stride and doesn't freak out. It was crowded and noisy inside the building with so many people walking past or stopping to talk to us but he didn't seem to mind and apart from being a bit wide eyed at times, he was absolutely fine.

All in all it was a great day out and I will definitely go back again next year if it goes ahead. Although I think I'll try and see if there is a local hotel that will let me stay over with Alfie, as it was a LOT of driving in one day. It was a 246 round trip and I spent about 5.5 hours in the car in total... longer than I was at the actual event! At least if I know I have a hotel room nearby then I can stay later and see all of the masterclasses instead of having to leave early.


The entrance to the show - there were so many people (and parrots!)


Masterclass one - Parrot Awareness Week. This covered all sorts of information about parrot care.


Masterclass two - around nutrition from the creator of 'Your Parrot' food. He seemed extremely knowledgeable and I have some of the food from his company to try with Alfie.

The third masterclass was on Feather Plucking but I had a long drive home and was feeling really tired and headache-y by then so didn't get to see that one.


Military macaws



Hornbilled Toucan - this was his first outing amongst other people and there was a massive crowd! He was absolutely fascinating and so well behaved!



African Grey- called Tomato because she once flew off, got lost and was found miles away in a greenhouse munching on tomato vines. This was her first outing in front of a crowd too - she was such a good flier and really well behaved!



Galah cockatoo


Mini macaw


Long-billed Corella


Showing off Alfie's wheels - plus his haul of goodies in the back!


The haul!


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